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Ron Paul on Huckabee's use of the cross in TV ad

Ron Paul on Huckabee's use of the cross in TV ad

blankfist says...

[edit] Haha, yes I wrote eluded instead of alluded. I was working on a couple hours sleep when I wrote that. Sorry. That was a tad embarrassing. [/edit]

Actually, Ron Paul didn't call him a fascist - maybe it was alluded to, though. Haha. The Sinclair Lewis quote was, "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." He said it probably wasn't a fair assessment. Still, he pointed out that Huckabee could be using the cross to allude to being the only Christian presidential candidate. I don't know. Merry Christmas!

Madlib Fri: Dear, __ Members Shut up and Ban because __ (Sift Talk Post)

Eighties Nostalgia Arcade Gamer Pron

Wow that's fubared

rembar says...

Yes, I call that "resisting arrest". Attempting to elude a police officer for the girl (and later eluding a police officer), because she ran, and use of physical force against a police officer for the boy. Just because they resisted arrest ineffectually doesn't mean that they didn't resist arrest.

By the by, most if not all LEOs are trained to take down a runner regardless of circumstances, because it's breaking a law in and of itself, not to mention it's usually considered more dangerous to allow a runner to get away than to let him go. So that bit was pretty much warranted on the officer's behalf.

South Park explains Scientology

choggie says...

"if you have ever heard of Joseph Smith you will know what I'm talking about)."

Joseph smith sold a plan to work for him. It developed, as all desperate mob scenarios may, into either decay, or fruition.... Frition of the Mormons in 2007 means, that the empire they created, justifies, the absolute, and unequivicable bullshit that is is, by her sheer size and scope

same with Hubbard's little empire.....he left another
shit- stain/blessing, for this paradigms' crap shoot, and for the delight of their lambasters, bufooners, and critics.....Call it a cosmic joke, or the unwilling hoards' program, to elude consciousness' cry,
"Human beings PLEASE!! Can you please pull your head out of that elephant's ass!!???"

"Take the M, out the middle, and whaddya get??? MORoooooON! Or as bugs would say, a Pepsi-ownin', blonde wife-havin, undergarment-wearin', travelin'-by-twos', Ultramaroon!

Give Peace a Chance

Farhad2000 says...

President Johnson sabotaged the war? Am sorry but you need to re-do your American history course. The CIA backed the extermination of thousands of people in East Timor. The Gulf Of Tonkin incident was a gross lie, the administration operated on the assumption of the domino theory whereas in reality Vietnam and China hate each other for thousands of years.

The Paris peace plan was nearly signed by both sides with Nixon exiting office, Kissinger sabotaged it and peace was eluded because someone was playing a 19th century diplomacy game using American lives. Then they proceeded to have the largest bombing operation ever to prove to the South Vietnamese that they fucking meant to stay.

Kissinger then tried to lie to the American people and expanded the war into Cambodia facilitating the rise of Khmer Rouge regime due to destabilization in the country side. B-52s would take off and have target corrections going into the Cambodian border, when they landed the logs of course showed operations within Vietnam.

The Vietnam war ended not because of hippies, or war vets or anything like that. It ended because the American people did not want it, nor did they support it.

Your comments make the people who got shot by the National Guard at universities across the country seem insignificant and trivial, this was the time of the draft and people didn't want to go killing another race of people half across the world for dubious reasons.

scottishmartialarts (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 says...

Cheers on your response, your arguement certainly makes sense. However I believe that the US can ill afford another combat operation failure on the scale of Iraq, even a shift to plan B, not because of the implications in political shift but towards the American image over the last 60 years on the world stage. This would just deepen the US position in Iraq to one of long term occupation, already the military has plans for 11 or so permanent bases across the country with the Baghdad green zone being the heaviest developed.

It's interesting that you mentioned Battle of Algiers, yes the fact is the the French forces managed to stop the terrorist activities, however you fail to mention that through out that same time a political shift was taking place that ultimately countered the military successes achieved. This is the same thing that is happening right now at Congress, House and Senate.

The fact is yes, force deployment will end this situation because US forces are the best trained, the best equipped and are actively seeking new ways of countering the insurgency. But this is only the response now, there was no solid plan post capture of Baghdad because the administration in same ways probably hoped for a stand off with a limited Iraqi army not expecting the force collapse that occurred, a replay of Gulf War 1. There was no plan, well there was one but it got thrown out by the politicians.

However this would come at a severe political cost, the entire shift will change, the political process will paralyzed to use the same force responses if another event on 9/11 occurs because you will have those who will recall Iraq and Vietnam in the same breath, we cannot afford such a position with the American people who might not understand the wider implication of keeping a stabilized American presence in the Gulf.

I do not believe in pursuing a war that was put in motion by people who do not understand the local play out of the area. Bush Senior knew the country was too unstable to go into outright, his failure was not keeping up US force support in the same way that the Taliban goverment was toppled by support of the Northern Alliance.

In the mind set of the Arab people they draw parallels between this war and the Russian Chechen occupation that follows the exactly the same steps. There is a continuous force deployment by Russia, still peace and stability eludes them... they also occupy Chechnya because of it's importance to the oil supply.

Christian Fundamentalist Pop: "God Hates Fags"

Farhad2000 says...

That is true. Only not eluded to in Christian circles because it leads to logical deconstruction of existence of God. If God is all knowing and indeed has created time itself, it would mean that God knows everything that will happen.

Therefore if God knows everything that will occur, whether you repent sin or not doesn't matter because God would already have known your actions. So you may sin without regret.

So what's the point? If our fates are already written in stone there is no existence of free will.

Steve Martin: Tap Dancing Fool

Andy Kaufman - Jerry Lawler Feud

sfjocko says...

daphne - "He was so brilliant at mass scale subversive humor."

in a nutshell.

i think many people do not "get" subversive humor. it is more extreme than irony, which eludes some. it also is self-referential. kaufman is mocking himself and whatever medium or institution that is his target. he breaks rules of a mutual agreement that i never had been aware of, until he came along and rocked the boat. suddenly, once i digested him a bit and "got" it (at first i did not know what to think), i realized he was playing a deconstruction game.

consider, young grasshopper, a broken hammer. you could say that a hammer is never MORE of a hammer than when it is broken. It is only then that you are drawn to notice the value and meaning of hammer, even if it is only because you lack it. its brokennes sharpens your concept of its un-brokennes, which is the normal, functional state of the hammer.

andy kaufman gives us broken hammers. he breaks the rules. he breaks the rules, and then goes one better. he keeps it secret. he doesn't give us a coherent concept or narrative of what he is doing, or even who he is. he lets us figure out (if we do) what he has done.

wow. i'm a little chatterbox. i'd intended to write two sentences.

coffee overload.

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