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Bill Maher and Elisabeth Hasselbeck Fight on the View

NetRunner says...

That wasn't really a fight, so much as Elizabeth Hasselbeck continually lashing out at Maher.

If it'd been a fight, he'd have actually thrown an attack of his own at her. Instead all we get is the throwaway at the end of "did we really talk?"

Elizabeth Warren: "Who I Am"

Elizabeth Warren: "Who I Am"

Elizabeth Warren Occupy Wall Street Attack -- TYT

gwiz665 jokingly says...

Dystopianfuturetoday argues a lot. Do we really want a talker instead of a doer? He seems to have put a lot of thought into his words, wasting his time not acting.

America needs someone who can ACT, not talk and think.

Remember that when you are in the polling booths.

Paid for by the blankfist for president campaign.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Yes, the classic Rove strategy of attacking a strength as if it were a weakness, which is a dangerous strategy when so much of the country is fed up with Wall Street. OWS is turning out to be a great wedge issue, putting the right in the position of having to defend the bloated and corrupt corporate state.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Elizabeth Warren Occupy Wall Street Attack -- TYT

Yogi says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Yes, the classic Rove strategy of attacking a strength as if it were a weakness, which is a dangerous strategy when so much of the country is fed up with Wall Street. OWS is turning out to be a great wedge issue, putting the right in the position of having to defend the bloated and corrupt corporate state.

It's surprising how much this propaganda in the media is working though. I live in Seattle in more or less and Art commune area and there's so many really REALLY left wing people around me that don't like the OWS protests. They usually completely ignorant of what they're doing or why, and they're not even bothering to do any investigation. They usually just take one situation and grab hold of it like that is the entire crux of the movement.

One person I know hates the OWS movement because she saw a couple of them in line at Starbucks. I can't imagine the amount of brainwashing we have to undo in this country, I'm almost of the opinion that it can't be done.

Matriarch of Mayhem - Negative Attack Ad on Elizabeth Warren

criticalthud says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

OWS is, for all intents and purposes, a mishmash of left-wingers running the gamut from left-center to communist/anarchist. Their ignorance is expected but also redundant, as it's the same "message" the libmedia expounds day and night: 'capitalism evil, bigger government good' with the added bonus of pooping on cop cars.
It was government that caused this mess. Greed is counterbalanced by risk and the fear of loss. When government steps in and removes the risk (with OUR MONEY) then certain people are free to be greedy and careless. In this case "certain people" was everyone.
If you'll scroll to the bottom of this page there's a nice (partial) list of culprits.

as an ex-lawyer, i feel comfortable saying that the law is largely bought and sold.

and no market is "free" when it is so manipulated by the rich.

Scott Brown: Tea Party Patriarch

Matriarch of Mayhem - Negative Attack Ad on Elizabeth Warren

heropsycho says...

In that protester's defense, that was an awesome cop car...


>> ^quantumushroom:

OWS is, for all intents and purposes, a mishmash of left-wingers running the gamut from left-center to communist/anarchist. Their ignorance is expected but also redundant, as it's the same "message" the libmedia expounds day and night: 'capitalism evil, bigger government good' with the added bonus of pooping on cop cars.
It was government that caused this mess. Greed is counterbalanced by risk and the fear of loss. When government steps in and removes the risk (with OUR MONEY) then certain people are free to be greedy and careless. In this case "certain people" was everyone.
If you'll scroll to the bottom of this page there's a nice (partial) list of culprits.

Matriarch of Mayhem - Negative Attack Ad on Elizabeth Warren

Matriarch of Mayhem - Negative Attack Ad on Elizabeth Warren

packo says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

OWS is, for all intents and purposes, a mishmash of left-wingers running the gamut from left-center to communist/anarchist. Their ignorance is expected but also redundant, as it's the same "message" the libmedia expounds day and night: 'capitalism evil, bigger government good' with the added bonus of pooping on cop cars.
It was government that caused this mess. Greed is counterbalanced by risk and the fear of loss. When government steps in and removes the risk (with OUR MONEY) then certain people are free to be greedy and careless. In this case "certain people" was everyone.
If you'll scroll to the bottom of this page there's a nice (partial) list of culprits.

the government was the cause of this...

by eliminating departments and oversight of corporations/financial institutions,

by eliminating regulations/laws which tied the hands of these same entities from committing the attrocious blunders motivated only by greed that have happened... like commercial banks being involved in investment banking, and wall street creating derivative markets which they themselves police

by attacking people's right to organize, collective bargain, and work with employers to create equal opportunity, reward, and incentive to succeed and innovate... so that 1 person can't be insanely rewarded by running companies into the ground, hurting their employees, the community, and the financial security of MILLIONS

all that risk you talk about being removed... was because they got rid of oversight and regulation

its a myth that government is incapable of being fiscally responsible at the same level or better than private corporations... take the "representatives" who set the budget and throw the money around to their lobbied interests and corporate friends... but look at the actual institutions and departments... these have not only the mandate to be fiscally responsible (fall within budgets, etc) that private interests do... they have the added oversight of people subjecting their cause to scrutiny... private causes are to advance profit, no matter the route

these institutions protect people from interests who aren't responsible to employees, to the communities they reside in, to the country they pay taxes to (or find loopholes to not pay taxes to)

free markets is a lie and a scam, because supply/demand/innovation mean nothing when you are competing with entities that can literally buy the game board out from under you... money is power, and if you have none, you have no power...

that's what government is there for... to give people the power
smaller government is a big business lie meant to distract you from who is really hurting you... the corporations and your bought and sold representatives

Matriarch of Mayhem - Negative Attack Ad on Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is running to @#$%! some shit up!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

The Onion Outlines Guaranteed Re-Election Strategy for Obama

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