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donny bonaduce puts the 911 conspiracy into perspective

Project for the New American Century: The NeoCon Manifesto

Farhad2000 says...

The destruction of the fourth estate and push for militaristic American policy, we should have listened to warnings given by Eisenhower in his farewell address...

Neo-cons are currently fractured but at still omnipresent at hill, Elliot Abrams #2 at NSA still promotes the idea of democracy in the Middle East (linchpin of neo con agenda) however others have split over Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz has been keeping quiet since joining the World Bank, Douglas Feith helped plan US strategy for Iraq but now admits mistakes, Richard Perle has hit the Bush team for occupying Iraq and William Kristol faults Rumsfeld for putting too few boots on the ground. Looks like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the American People

Fox News takes Rep. Wexler from the Colbert Report out of context ("I enjoy cocaine because...")

joedirt says...

Sorry, I re-read my comments and they were a little harsh, but non-the-less too many people falsely, without any figures, facts, or clue repeat this mantra. It is maybe the most brilliant marketing program of all time. Republicans are fiscally responsible. Dems are big-government.

I can't find the OMB page that has graphs. Everything there is per capita, or some such numbers game. Plus reduced budget sometimes doesn't mean reduced spending. But you can view it against GDP growth. At the very least, we can expect the federal government to grow faster than GDP, but it is shocking how much faster it grow that inflation of GDP.. Thank Jebus for our immigration numbers and illegals adding in to tax base.

Average annual budget change as a percentage of U.S. gross domestic product during these administrations: BUDGET CHANGES
Roosevelt. 14.8%
Truman.... -8.6%
Eisenhower -1.3%
Kennedy... 0.2%
Johnson... 1%
Nixon..... 1.6%
Ford...... -1.4%
Carter.... 1.8%
Reagan.... -0.6%
G. Bush... 0.2%
Clinton... -1.8%
G.W. Bush. 2.4%

(From USA Today) The spending spike contrasts with the mid-1990s, when Republicans gained control of Congress and compromised with President Clinton on spending cuts that led to a $236 billion budget surplus in 2000.

You also have this version from USA Today / OMB. HOW PRESIDENTS COMPARE ON SPENDING -- Average annual change in spending for each category. All figures have been adjusted for inflation:
Spending: federal defense education(k-12)
Johnson... 6% 5% 31%
Nixon-Ford 3% -6% 3%
Carter.... 4% 3% 1%
Reagan.... 3% 4% 0%
G.H.W.Bush 2% -4% 5%
Clinton... 2% -2% 3%
G.W. Bush. 5% 8% 7%
Source: Office of Management and Budget

Jon Stewart Post 9-11 Monologue

sowatsurpointdude says...

ok i found wat Dwight D. Eisenhower said " History does not long entrust the care of the weak or the timid." i jst felt like this was a right thing to say to a nation in chaos with that disaster..Iraq..and Isreal..its all rapping up..its coming very close..anytime now..anytime...

The U.S. Defense Budget, Explained with OREO Cookies

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