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EDD (Member Profile)

Gay robot makes Craig Ferguson cry

Porksandwich says...

Yeah.....I like his show the best of the late night hosts, but can only keep up when network television is in a re-run hell.

>> ^EDD:

>> ^Porksandwich:
This is great. When did they hook it up so Josh isn't actually pre-recorded? I'm months behind on my Craig Ferguson show but it so far it was like 8 or so fixed responses for the night from what I'd seen.

Months, you say? It's almost a year and a half for me...

Gay robot makes Craig Ferguson cry

EDD says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

This is great. When did they hook it up so Josh isn't actually pre-recorded? I'm months behind on my Craig Ferguson show but it so far it was like 8 or so fixed responses for the night from what I'd seen.

Months, you say? It's almost a year and a half for me...

Gay robot makes Craig Ferguson cry

Porksandwich says...

This is great. When did they hook it up so Josh isn't actually pre-recorded? I'm months behind on my Craig Ferguson show but it so far it was like 8 or so fixed responses for the night from what I'd seen.

Craig Ferguson takes the US Citizenship test

Stephen Fry on swear words

Stephen Fry on swear words

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Bill Maher on Religion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bill maher, mormonism, religion, all crazy' to 'religion, bill maher, craig ferguson, carly fiorina, michael steele, mormon' - edited by BoneRemake

Bill Maher Says It Again -- somehow, it is the clearest yet

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'religion, bill maher, craig ferguson, mormon' to 'religion, bill maher, craig ferguson, carly fiorina, michael steele, mormon' - edited by xxovercastxx

Craig Ferguson 4/5/2010: Late Late Show Grant Imahara

Craig Ferguson on Charlie Sheen

Porksandwich says...

>> ^alien_concept:

I just can't feel sorry for someone who's mental health issues are most likely through excessive drug taking. People usually know what they're risking when they go down that road, he's now completely fucked in the head from it.
I don't judge people with addiction at all, some of my closest friends have been or are and my brother in law died from it in the end, but to pity them to the point of not laughing at their crazy antics? Nahhhh, he's done it to himself, there's no turning back and now he's enjoying himself before he kills himself. Good for Charlie Sheen

It's just there's a pretty strong correlation between some mental illnesses and drug use. You can probably ask your doctor about it next time you go. That's to say all the mentally ill will be drug abusers, but certain mental illnesses have higher than normal correlations. I guess the real problem is, does the illness cause the abuse, or does the abuse cause the illness. A lot of them start at puberty and worsen with age. So the drugs mask the symptoms and then you have to unravel everything to get to the root of the cause..if you can.

Sheen wouldn't be acting like this if he were properly medicated or drugged out his mind. But he's off both things and now his untreated self is coming forth.

garmachi (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

My Hero Craig Ferguson Screws with the CBS Censor

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'craig ferguson, censor, haggis, burns night' to 'craig ferguson, censor, haggis, burns night, robert burns' - edited by marinara

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