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Bill Maher and guests discuss national security

Yogi says...

>> ^VoodooV:

twice now, Ms. Hoover has attempted to make shitty arguments to Bill whenever the topic of increased taxes comes up.
The last time she was on Real Time prior to this, she asked Bill if he was willing to give up one of his cars since he advocated higher taxes for rich people (like Bill) It's a fallacy as she is appealing to fear. Oh No! Bill will be slightly less rich if he had to pay bigger taxes.
And then again, she suggests that Bill should knowingly take advantage of tax loopholes so he doesn't have to pay any tax even though he has the ability to absorb higher taxes without significantly affecting his life.
She's kind of a shithead. (and so is Grover as is self evident by this video and many others on the sift)

Yeah they're both awful but the biggest shithead on this panel is Richard Clarke...not for what he said but for who he is.

Girandoni air rifle as used by Lewis and Clark.

nach0s says...

"They sure fooled them injuns! Har Har! Also, if I could, I'd stroke Lewis and Clark's collective junk--one sausage in each hand. FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA."

Girandoni air rifle as used by Lewis and Clark.

Girl Born with No Hands Wins National Penmanship Contest

kceaton1 says...

Strange, I wonder why I literally never heard or saw any of this when I was a kid. I had no idea back then that there were penmanship awards!

Anyway, when I looked it up it looked like it happened from grenade 1-8, at least in the United States. As to the girl in the video she is amazing; there are some Google images of her with what she wrote, but all the ones I found were so blurry you couldn't make anything out (or I would've posted/linked it). It also looked like at least one other kid (a boy) without hands had won before too!

I was, and I still am extremely good at penmanship. It makes me wonder why I never was involved in it. I'm actually a fairly good artist and I won awards as a kid, it's literally my artistry that gives me my great penmanship, as they walk hand-in-hand!

Although, I'll be the first to admit that I can't do Caligraphy or Spencerian types of writing at all--perhaps Caligraphy if I spent time on it, but that won't happen. My manuscript has literally been compared to, "...a printed copy!", so I was proud of my artistry when I used it the most. I could easily draw a realistic human hand, for an example. Enough of my glory hogging!

That girl is amazing, I REALLY wanted to see the range of expression she was able to commit to paper without two hands. She won so it must look amazing for a girl of her age, which makes me want to see it EVEN more! Damn them! How can you not show THAT are you an idiot journalist!?

If someone finds a gallery link or another video make sure to throw it up in here. I'm going to see if I can find a gallery, if I do I'll edit and tag it on to the end...

Edit-As you can see it was far more than one page for the first grader it was a packet, this is as close up basically as you can get to that image, so here it is (oh well, you can't see the thumb, but it goes to the picture correctly--I did flip the picture so you could read it far easier, plus a few other picture tricks, like making it bigger, sharper,etc...):

<img src="" border="0" alt="Annie Clark - Penmenship Award (First Grader; with/no hands), Annie Clark, with no hands, has won the hearts and minds of people as she won her Penmanship Award!" >

Dick Clark Dead At 82 - TYT

A Fascinatingly Disturbing Thought - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet & PC in 1974

A10anis says...

I think it was Clarke who invented the phrase; "Science faction." He believed that what man can imagine, man can make fact. That's terrific, but there are people with dark imaginations too.

Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying -- TYT

Documentary about the Australian accent

Roy Clark Guitar Wizard

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

therealblankman says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

For those who care, Christie Clark (Premier of BC) has a new chief of staff. An Enbridge lobbyist.
If she is still in office when the decision is made, the outcome of the hearings is irrelevant. She will greenlight the project.

Tragic. The Government of BC, bought and paid for by the same people who purchased Stephen Harper back in 2004.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

Drachen_Jager says...

For those who care, Christie Clark (Premier of BC) has a new chief of staff. An Enbridge lobbyist.

If she is still in office when the decision is made, the outcome of the hearings is irrelevant. She will greenlight the project.

Roy Clark Guitar Wizard

Roy Clark Guitar Wizard

csnel3 says...

My parents took me to see Roy Clark, Boots Randolph and Floyd Cramer live at the Civic Audiotorium when I was about twelve (1974). It was great, those guys were fantastic musicians and put on a great show. I was amazed that these guys were real first class performers, so fun to watch. I just couldnt tell any of my friends that I actually liked it.

Deano (Member Profile)

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