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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What dumb nonsense.

1) what does that have to do with the post you were replying to, the right’s faux outrage over Minnesota’s new flag 100% falsely portrayed as a copy of the Somali flag by righty media? Absolutely nothing.
2) I’m not black
3) I wouldn’t listen to idiotic and ignorant paid actors spewing right wing nonsense. No one cares what Kanye says, nobody’s listening to Uncle Ruckus….wait…is that Kanye’s indicted publicist?
4) let’s list a few accomplishments Democrats made for the black community recently - police reform. They came up with a dumb name for it, but Biden/Democrats got major reforms of police departments to the extent that many now prosecute criminal cops instead of handing them a bonus for murdering black people and covering it up. Republicans fought against that.
-infrastructure. Biden/Democrats made the biggest investment in infrastructure in our lifetimes. This benifits those dependent on infrastructure more than the wealthy. Republicans fought against that.
-marijuana reform. Biden/democrats have stopped prosecuting marijuana possession, made marijuana legal in many many states, and exonerated and freed federal prisoners and cons with federal possession convictions, which are disproportionately minorities. Republicans fought against that.

Sorry girl, you either got duped or are being paid to say this ignorant propaganda. There’s a reason blacks voted for Biden by 92%-8% for Trump, and it’s not out of ignorance, and not because some old white guy told them to.

It’s hilarious you are so incredibly dumb you think this kind of blatant partisan stupidity is going to change minds. Black people are just people, they are not inherently so clueless that they just vote democrat because someone said to, how insanely racist are you!?!, someone also said vote Republican why doesn’t that make them vote R? They see who is working for their community and who is actively working against them for racist motives, trying to remove their rights, their votes, their funding, their voice, their freedoms, and their lives.

We all know who thinks Black Lives Matter, and who thinks they don’t. We all know which party welcomes racists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, KKK, and white supremacists and which party expels them. If you are Republican, you either are racist or are happy to stand with and for racists. The rest left during Trump.

Do you honestly think anyone could possibly be swayed by a dishonest moronic tool for the extreme right like yourself!?!😂😂😂!

You and the extreme right have squandered any trustworthiness you ever had with your nonsensical lies and propaganda, and your constant total inability to ever admit you are w-w-w-w-w-wrong despite being 99% wrong 99.9% of the time. 😂

Judge Pronounced Trump Guilty Before Trial Began!

newtboy says...

🤦‍♂️No bob, they are not. THE FACTS WERE NOT DISPUTED BY TRUMP OR THE TRUMP ORG AT ALL, not in court…he submitted most of them.
Trump disputes the facts on camera, but not in court under oath. He can’t. The documents are what they are. He was too cowardly and guilty to take the stand…his smartest move yet.
Trump valued Maralago at $18 million for taxes, not the DA. He also valued it at 100 times that value to get good loan terms that saved him hundreds of millions the banks and county were then deprived of because of his fraud. Understand? I’m sure not.
I did the math, if his stated bank values are truthful, he defrauded the government out of well over $700 million in decades of unpaid taxes for one property.

What was presented during the prosecution “side” of the “hearing” bob? Nothing…because there was no prosecution phase, it was summary judgement based on what was presented by both parties during DISCOVERY. There has only been a “damages” phase of trial since the prima facie case made at discovery necessitated a sumary judgement…not a “prosecution side”.

Bob. This is civil court, not a criminal trial. Please stop trying to explain things you are wholly ignorant about.

In your example, a criminal trial with different rules, the defense could be you didn’t see them, or they dove in front of your moving car, or you were having a medical issue….or one of a thousand mitigating factors. Trump presented no mitigating factors explaining the frauds, the differing values that changed 10000% in value on paper with his signature swearing to the truthfulness of the values he presented, values he knew were fantasy, so was found guilty.
(Side note- in your example the victim’s heirs would also get a civil trial where prima facie guilt would be established by the witnesses and your admission you hit them and you would need to have evidence supporting your affirmative defense that it was under duress to evade liability, just as they would need to prove malicious intent or recklessness to get punitive damages, IMO).

😂 “Property values can’t be fraud in any way”. 😂 hilarious since submitting fraudulent values is exactly what he was found guilty of! 😂

The banks indicated massive fraud, who told you they didn’t? Trump? The banks lost over $180 million in interest they should have received if the collateral values had been correct. Yes, they made some money, but lost out on $180 million plus.
When you get a loan based on fraud like this, even if you pay it back you still comitted a crime and any penny you made from that crime can be recovered from you, exactly what’s happening.
It’s as if Trump submitted documents “proving” his credit rating was 800 but in fact it was below 400, then saying it’s no crime because he paid his low interest credit card bills, pay no attention to the lower rates and perks he received because of his fraud, they’re nothingburgers…$180 million nothing burgers.

This is a BS showman disgraced ex president caught red handed. You know it, he knows it. No one is blinded, you are simply dishonest.

What of me statement are bullshit or not in this hearing/case?
The disclaimers don’t mean Trump can just make up the numbers, like he did. I know he claims that, he already lost that point in court. He gave fraudulent numbers, values, square footage, claimed unpermitted unbuilt rentals were filled and collecting rent, claims he didn’t add “brand value” but it’s there listed on the documents.

lol. You get your “information” from crack heads, failed comedians turned pundits, and con men like rapist Trump. I get mine directly from the courts, then verify, then look at what nonsense MAGA is saying about it, then debunk your nonsense. Stop projecting. I’m not stupid. I’m no dick. I have almost no ego. I simply hate stupid lies and the stupid lying liars who lie them stupidly and I have the testicular fortitude and perspicacity to factually contradict them with facts, figures, and references.

You don’t ever look for shit, you liar. You take what the MAGA machine hands you and you say what they said to say. You haven’t had an individual thought since you’ve been posting here, not one. Every word you post can be found in the MAGAsphere written by someone else who makes money by telling you lies to repeat.

Yes, Trump was found guilty during discovery before the courtroom trial began, which is perfectly normal and reasonable in cases where the evidence is incontrovertible like this one. That’s the United States legal system, no surprise you don’t understand it….you don’t understand thing about my country.

Now whine that he couldn’t have a jury trial just because he didn’t ask for one until after his trial had started. So unfair! 😂

bobknight33 said:

But the facts are disputed , which mitigates the ability of the judge to make such decision. This was presented during the 11 weeks of the prosecution side of this hearing.

It only work is such cases as for example 5 people see me run over and kill someone. That is not is dispute.
What is or could be to mitigate my conviction is to show just cause -- IE being robed at gunpoint or such.

This "trial" is about property value. This cant be fraud in any way. Trump places a value and banks do the same and an agreement is made. No bank or lender indicated fraud -- Every bank got paid back, with interest and some made other deals on other projects.

This is a BS show trial. prejudged before it even started.

Only the ignorant are blinded.

All you statement below are bullshit -- none of that in this hearing. Every proposal for loans clearly had disclaimers for banks to do their own due diligence in their evaluation. Some thought higher some though lower-- but all made loans and got paid back.

Sadly stupid dicks with big egos, like you push false information.

I look for actual facts like presented -- Her own words - Trump Guilty before the trial began-- Thats BS

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again your damaged brain fails to understand.
This set of documents is information about HOW Russia interfered, and as or more importantly how we obtained the information about who was interfering and how….like methodology, names of individuals, what classified intelligence we received from what other countries with names and methods of their sources, etc.

It is not about the Mueller investigation into Trump/Russia collusion that was out in the open… “Russia, if you’re listening…”…”absolutely we want to meet Russian agents to discuss dirt on Hillary, come to Trump tower and we’ll arrange a trade”….”don’t worry about the sanctions Obama imposed, Mr Putin, Trump will remove them day one….but shhhhhh, this conversation is technically treason.”…etc. the investigation Barr hid, redacted, edited, and lied about to protect Trump…the report that suggested he should be prosecuted.

Yes, he wanted to declassify it so he could legally take it and sell it to whoever, but he DIDN’T because he was too busy failing at his coup and being incompetent and reportedly tried to declassify the thousands and thousands of pages of sensitive top secret intelligence in the binder starting in literally the last 15 minutes of his administration, but he (or his people) did take it anyway, or maybe worse just lost it. Someone is going to prison over that.

Damn you are gullible, stupid, and incapable of following an adult conversation. This is what, the fourth, fifth, sixth time in one week that you intentionally misunderstood/misstated the clear and simple to understand position I wrote and instead argued against some red herring/paper tiger YOU created from your own delusions. It’s all you’ve got. 😂
You do this because you can’t contradict what I wrote, so you need to change it to something nonsensical you can argue against. Silly boy.

….But let’s say your dementia born fantasy is correct, it’s still a crime for him to take the binder of still highly classified documents after he’s no longer president. We’ve been down that road before …I know you can’t understand how it’s possible Trump doesn’t have absolute unlimited power in perpetuity, but it’s reality. You should join us here.

bobknight33 said:

Let get this straight. Trump wants to declassify this classified document(s) that would prove he colluded with Russia to win in 2016? Declassified documents would then be available to all who ask and hence put the finals nails in own political coffin.

You think this makes sense?

Damn you are gullible and stupid.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump has lost his appeal of the second Carrol case based on absolute presidential immunity.
His lawyers forgot to assert it as a defense 3 years ago …another huge “L” for Trump in court thanks to unbelievably shitty lawyers. Sometimes you get the attorneys you deserve.

Also, Cheesboro kept texts in his phone where he mentions knowing that the fake electors and their “certifying documents” that the White House supplied are highly illegal and need to be altered, and the texts where a campaign aid told him not to change them to make them contingent on the real electors being tossed in each state, don’t change a thing “fuck those guys” was the answer, and he didn’t.

There’s intent for the Jan 6 case….undeniable knowledge that what they were doing was illegal well before they tried the scheme.

As a bonus, Jack Smith reportedly somehow has AND CRACKED Trump’s secret White House cell phone (and 3 co-conspirators’ phones) with all the texts and emails from Jan 6. (As a reminder the White House illegally made no records of any calls or texts made on Jan 6 in a clear attempt to hide their actions from that day, and were found to have used personal private cell phones to communicate during the coup, phones that had to be seized with warrants and that they all refused to “unlock”). Game over man.

As a side note, the Florida GOP chairman credibly accused of raping he and his wife’s bisexual sex partner has now exposed his vitriolically anti LGBTQ / pro-family values wife’s lesbian and multi-partner sexual activities, the school board she’s on has voted to oust her already, and she’s going to be thrown out of the fascio-Christian group she started - Moms for Liberty. Desantis has not indicated he plans on removing her from either her school board position nor her position on the Disney tourism board he appointed her to despite her hypocrisy and public debauchery, because MAGA is hypocrisy and debauchery…always especially true of those who’ve made a career fighting against “debauchery”. 😂

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

😂 Tantrum much!? 😂

I know reading and comprehension are weak points for you, it’s sad and shocking to see how weak.
Another reason to not believe you could earn the lowest of tech degrees…I can’t imagine you passed middle school when you can read my very short clear statement and come up with that. I spelled it out simply and clearly, and you 100% got it 100% wrong and continue to argue against something never said….typical for you because you can never back up your claims so you must pretend the topic is something else.

I never said there’s no tax fraud case, I said your title is a total lie and is debunked in the video itself. That’s a fact. You’re a constant liar. No amount of your intentionally misstating facts or what I said will change that, it reinforces it.

I have said if it wasn’t a politically motivated attack on Joe, Hunter would never be prosecuted for any of the minor crimes he did commit, he would be offered a plea deal with a fine, like he originally was. I stand by that statement. Wanna try again?

Hunter was late paying his taxes…he has paid them at this point unlike Trump who is still over $250 million behind in his NY state taxes and has defrauded the federal government out of at least that much, likely 10 times that amount.
Consider, Trump pays taxes on Maralago as if it was worth $20 million (and he complained and sued because he said that was too HIGH, it was worth LESS for tax purposes). If, as he claims, it’s really worth $1.8 BILLION…he needs to pay property taxes on $1.78 BILLION he evaded for 40 years…according to Trump himself he’s evaded over $700 MILLION in property taxes on Maralago alone. That’s quite a bit worse than Hunter’s late payment, and is only one example out of thousands where Trump defrauded the country out of hundreds of millions. 😂
If Hunter’s crimes are prison worthy, the Trumps’ are execution worthy.

😂 Fake news! 😂
I know you can’t accept the truth, bob. We all know. You deny reality daily, on every front.

HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER…..The Hunter laptop is a long dead horse, just like the election fraud fraud, every attempt to legitimize it only ended up proving how much MAGA had tampered with the data, making it not evidence but propaganda. You’ve been trying to sell this nonsense for 5-6 years now. Nobody’s buying, and nobody’s listening anymore. You can only cry wolf so many times before the villagers stop listening and start hoping a wolf will eat you and shut your lying mouth permanently….you passed that point years and years ago, friendo.

No need to google anything about the laptop, it’s nothing. The FBI proved the data had been forged by Giuliani’s team. Nothing there makes any case for anything besides more MAGA frauds perpetrated on the courts, it’s a well established pattern for MAGA, and it’s a losing strategy, because you keep getting caught! Try again. 😂

Hunter is living rent free in your head, and he’s got a mansion in there with a pool, hot tub, putting green, even a driving range, and there’s still empty space for expansion. He’s not even a politician, so why would anyone care about him? It makes the lying, exageration, and hysterics hilarious self owns by you and yours. Another big “L” for your team…one you just can’t accept but everyone outside the cult has. Reminiscent of the big lie, only cultists believe, and everyone else just sees you losing your shit over your own lies not catching on. 😂

Hilarious how the mantra was “family is off limits” when it came to Trump despite the constant nepotism, but not for his enemies despite their complete lack of involvement in politics. More dishing it out but unable to stand it from your cowardly leader…he was even to scared to testify in his own defense! What a sniveling little fat cowardly baby, cowering because he has something to hide according to his spokesperson Haba.

Nothing you claim about Hunter is true, (fortunately MAGA is so untrustworthy that no one cares what stupidity you lie) and nothing Hunter has done makes one whit of difference about his father. Keep focusing on him, ignoring the same tax crimes comitted by Trump but by a factor of 250 or more…voters notice the hypocrisy and it guarantees your loss next year….meanwhile Joe has rescued the economy in every possible way from the utter disaster and guaranteed recession/depression Trump left,
IN EVERY WAY BOB, INCLUDING INFLATION THATS AT 0% while MAGA eats itself alive and gets absolutely nothing done! 😂

Of course I’m not clicking your link, if ever there was a site I would expect to host malicious viruses, it would be the Russia/MAGA hosted anti Biden pdf site you pointed people to. Why would any rational person expose their computer to attack to download and read your pure faked propaganda? A: they wouldn’t.

It’s going to be so delicious when/if Hunter beats the charges and gets Giuliani and the RNC to pay his legal bills. You morons had a guilty plea in hand and decided to go to court instead with little chance of getting more and a huge risk he might beat all charges, vindicating himself and by extension Joe…talk about snatching defeat from the mouth of victory! 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another MAGA “bombshell” turns out to be another rehashing of another two year old nothing burger. You guys sure grasp at old straws a lot.

Now you idiots are trying to twist a car payment into some China China China nonsense, claiming this well documented under $5k repayment of 3 car payments Joe made for Hunter when Biden was not in office or running for office is somehow proof that China bought Joe and he changed policy for them (for under $5000)…but the $35000000 given to Ivanka while Daddy was in active trade negotiations, *nothing to see…the hundreds of millions directly from the Chinese government hidden by Trump in secret unreported Chinese bank accounts, *shrug…how about the $2000000000 handed to Jared in direct exchange for classified information (that they used to target and murder spies, political rivals, and enemies we outed) despite having zero investment experience and being 100% denied by their vetting process, *la-la-la-la-la.

You people are such hypocrites it’s unbelievable. You are completely covered in 5 different kinds of horrific animal shits head to toe while actively having explosive diarrhea in the middle of dinner and screaming to high heaven incessantly that the person at the other end of the table has bad breath despite every woman there mentioning his minty freshness.

I swear I’m shocked you haven’t started insisting the oceans are red, or tried to poison them because they’re blue. The just plain insane stupidity your cult spouts daily would have you committed if America had a mental health care system anymore, but thanks to Republicans in the 80’s we don’t and you’re all out there screaming on the corner.

The Yussef Dayes Experience - Live From Malibu

SON Deserves ACTING Award For THIS!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again, let me remind you this was a primary, and nothing was proven, but it’s the right thing to rerun it in this instance since there’s plenty of time to do so. If you read the article you linked (and understood English) you would have known you had everything wrong.
No conviction, and no candidate involved. The Democratic Party wanted a rerun too. Not the case when Republicans have been caught…there, candidates were involved and the RNC tried to fight for the fraudsters, against fair elections.

For you -

Another Republican representative arrested for kiddie porn, hours before the election.
Brad Benson, who was running for Place #4 on the Granbury City Council in Texas, was arrested on Nov. 6. He stayed on the ballot.

It’s not a true one or the other choice, but if I had to choose I would much prefer a candidate with one possibly criminal employee he disavows strongly over an actual child porn purveyor.

And don’t forget the armed drug dealing poop schmear…

I’ve only scratched the surface bob. On top of daily new scandals, I’ve now shown you 300 convictions for severe moral turpitude with thousands more to expose for you, but I do realize no number will convince you because you abandoned facts and reason a decade or more ago because of your racist hatred of Obama and now just make up nonsense in your head to excuse everything your people do, including child rape. 🤦‍♂️

276 Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state senate in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.

277 Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)

278 Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters

279 GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t

280 Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.

281 Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse

282 Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women

283 Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million

284 Iowa state Sen. Merlin A Bartz - sexual harassment

285 Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment

286 Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment

287 Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments

288 Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct

289 GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation

290 ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape, lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.

291 Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told a woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women.

292 ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence

293 NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16-year-old student.

294 ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy - violating a protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty

295 GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.

296 John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.

297 OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.

298 State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment

299 US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate

300 Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.

bobknight33 said:

Bridgeport Election Overturned After City Official Pleads 5th To Ballot Harvesting.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city's Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city's vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

Those cheating Democrats.
Democrats can't win with out cheating.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

“ It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.”
No…it is at odds with your position and is not what I said.
It is factual history that fighting age European Jews came armed and forcibly displaced the natives after being offered sanctuary for their most needy. It is not factual that I claimed it was ever thus. That is clearly not what I said, I said for 10+- years they were getting along as refugees, then started coming in HUGE numbers illegally and taking over.

Those are facts.

I also mentioned a native Jewish population that were not refugees or invaders. Some of them supported the invading Zionists, some didn’t. I’ve never heard of one who opposed them.

“ You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.”

Not even close to true, I said many stood behind the Zionists when they started coming en masse, and didn’t say but seemingly few to none of the native Jews opposed them. I also was clear that at the beginning the refugees acted like refugees, not invaders….I mistakenly gave them more time being grateful than you say they were, according to you Palestinians position is they began the invasion in the 20’s….and theirs is the opinion I care about. I never claimed ALL Arabs were welcoming, but the “nation” as a whole (despite being not self ruling at the time) welcomed a huge number of refugees considering their own population. Way more than elsewhere.

Edit: Britain, who facilitated this invasion, only took in 80000 European Jews in the decade before and during the war, and they were only given transit visas to stay temporarily until they found other accommodations. All of England took in fewer Jewish refugees in all pre war history than Palestine did….England took in 80000, most on temporary visas, Palestine took in 60000 permanently in 1935 alone, and 130000 in 33-36.
Pre-immigration Palestine had about 700000 people. In 1944 European Jews ignored the 1500 visa limit per year and came by the hundred of thousands per year after already completely overwhelming the native population.
Palestine was forcibly invaded by a foreign population exponentially bigger than the native population while Britain kept them too weak to oppose it physically.
That’s an invasion…not on day 1. 🤦‍♂️

“ without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey ”

Again, I said day 3, not day 1, and went on to say that meant 10 years later. Get off your high horse and READ buddy.

I guess I’ll stop here. If you aren’t going to read what I wrote and insist on arguing red herrings you made up yourself, you can do that alone.

Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the fact that masses of armed violent invaders came to take the land from the natives by force and were successful. The exact date this happened is not only y highly subjective, it’s completely besides the point.
Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the inhuman treatment they’ve subjected the innocent native civilian population to for 70 years…but you’ve tried.
Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the intentional targeting of trapped civilians by the military….serious war crimes Israel commits daily.
Nothing you’ve said even hints that you consider Palestinians worthy of consideration themselves, possibly not even human status, definitely not peaceful existence.


Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Yes. What’s your point? You seem to agree with me, except you go back to the 20’s instead of early 30’s. I’m not a Palestine scholar, sorry if I get details or dates slightly wrong, sources vary on many points. It doesn’t change my point, that under British rule European Jews were allowed to immigrate in huge numbers despite opposition from the native population that was being overwhelmed by increasing unwanted forced immigration. At first it was accepted even encouraged by the empathetic natives, but quickly became an overwhelming unwanted invasion of people intent on taking over, not some moderate number of refugees looking for temporary refuge.

Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invade was? Palestinians weren’t responsible for their plight, but still stood ready to help until invaded and subjugated harshly by the invaders.
Should Venezuelans be allowed to take over Pennsylvania because they want out of Venezuela for good reason? Or Chinese? Or any African? Or Central American? Certainly Haitians have it bad enough to make it ok to take a state for themselves! Yes, Europe was dangerous…for anyone. That’s not an excuse to invade, murder another person and steal their land and subjugate their descendants for decades, but that’s what they did…and what you’re attempting to excuse.

Well, that explains it then. You think because the Jews had it worse once, it excuses being the Nazis today. I do not, I believe it gives them more reason to never be anything like the Nazis, not emulate them. The Palestinian plight is worse than many Jews in Europe besides Poland or Germany. They’re already in the ghetto, not free to travel and maybe get out. They’re already oppressed, subjugated, starved, dehydrated, often without power or communications, and 100% under the thumb and control of their oppressors. Sounds pretty shitty to me. Your family murdered at a whim with no repercussions sounds pretty bad. Your ancestral home taken by force and family shot for existing sounds fairly bad. I’m not sure how you think it’s OK because someone else maybe had it worse once.

When they “arrived in Palestine”, it was as an illegal unwanted invasion intent on taking over and expelling or eradicating the native population. They deserved violence 100%. The population was doing more than their share accepting refugees, then for their humanity was invaded and dehumanized in their own country. No excuse can make that acceptable unless it had happened in Germany post war.

Yes, Jews were the bad guys, invading a land they had and have no right to. You got it! They didn’t even have a right to refugee status there, it was a gift, they absolutely had no right to take control and possession by force, nor to become the inhuman monsters they were fleeing in Northern Europe.

Absolutely not. What even was his plan, I ask you. It wasn’t securing the borders.

I support the plan to FUND border parol and immigration courts to not only secure the border but repair the immigration process that does not function today. With a functioning immigration process, most would use it, making stopping illegal entry much easier.

I support refugee camps in the East Texas desert, not open release before processing.

I absolutely do not support actual open borders, nor allowing other countries to just send plane and train and boatloads of unvetted people in in numbers that would make natives the minority in quick fashion, nor do I support returning Texas (including Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico) to the Mexicans even though they are fleeing near the same level of fear, oppression and death from narco gangs and have some hereditary claims (which European Jews did not, they were mostly not Semitic genetically). I disagree the circumstances were much more desperate in the 30’s outside of Germany, and I disagree that the choices are Trumpism or no-border free-for-alls.

bcglorf said:

"welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule"
The Jewish population in Palestine approximately doubled from 84k in 1922 to 175k in 1931, and tensions already started pretty heavily then in 1931. The Arab narrative is pretty emphatic that the invasion start in the 1920s(and unspoken, the resistance and tension internally between Jew and Arab too).

"Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally..."

Come now, don't play dumb, you left out any reason why European Jews might do this outside of 'launching an invasion'. What other motive might 1940's Jewish Europeans have had to ignore immigration laws to migrate out of Europe????

That's where your narrative and mine clash irrevocably. I count the refugee flight from 1940s Europe to be even more desperate than the plight the Palestinians in Gaza face today. I can not accept your POV where upon arriving in Palestine and facing violence and discrimination there too, that it's just plain and simply obvious that the Jewish people's are invaders and bad guys with no right to an existence in the land they fled to.

You know, unless you want to credit Trump's MAGA approach to the southern border as valid cause it's awful similar, save that the Jewish people were facing much more desperate circumstances

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

newtboy said:

A reasoned and relatively factual position. Congratulations, but….
In my and many expert’s opinions the deadly indiscriminate pressure is exactly what pushes desperate and grieving innocent civilian Palestinians into Hamas’s arms. You would create two terrorists for every one caught with the inhumane treatment of the civilian population…and commit a serious war crime in the process.

Israel should abandon all expansionist settlements from the last 30 years and free the Palestinian citizens from the oppressive genocidal apartheid they’ve forced on the population for decades. That would end the conflict tomorrow, instead Israel has telegraphed its intent to take over Gaza militarily and occupy it again…and America stands by their side, but not all Americans.

If America had spent 10% of what we spend supplying Israel with weapons they use on civilians instead on building infrastructure, schools, hospitals, roads in Gaza, the Palestinians would not rightly see us as racist enemies, and might have the resources and inclination to oust Hamas. But we don’t.

Palestine gets no aid. You can’t withhold something that never existed. The reason Hamas gets any support is they do supply Gaza with food and medicine while Israel and America just embargo entire populations because a terrorist group lives in the country. Think if the world did the same, bombing cities flat and starving America because the Boogaloo Boys live in America.

Hamas is not Palestine, they’re the warlord gang that took over from the intentionally weakened Palestinian parliament and the only group supporting Palestinian civilians (while also using them as shields and cannon fodder).

Hamas fucked around, but Israel is making innocent Palestinian civilians “find out”. That’s a serious war crime that should put every Israeli soldier in prison, and get Netanyahu executed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit!! Sydney Powell has pleaded guilty to election interference and 6 other charges and agreed to testify against Trump this morning. So now the main architect of the fake elector scheme admits they illegally tried to steal the presidency through multiple frauds directed by Trump himself.

Her trial started tomorrow. She must now testify fully and truthfully or she’s going away for decades.

She has the goods, she was instrumental in multiple election fraud schemes for Trump and has the evidence. This is what’s known as a “death knell” (you probably say “death knell”) for Trump and all his codefendents. They should have taken the plea deal for probation like she did…now that offer is likely off the table, they’ve got the #1 perp who has all the evidence, they don’t need the little fish now, or Trump…they can go away for decades now. 😂

EDIT: Trump changed his tune now saying “I’m willing to go to prison to bring democracy back to our country” apparently not realizing he’s admitting he and MAGA are the biggest threat to democracy our nation has ever known. It also ignores that he’s taking tens of millions from his cultists fighting his inescapable future of going to prison to help repair our democracy. He’s at least finally come to the realization that he will spend his final days in a cage….now you just need to realize it.

But yeah…all from reading cereal boxes, so just pretend it isn’t happening.

Bonus- Huckabee Sanders’ “lecterngate” scandal is getting bigger. Now, on top of stealing $19000 for a girls trip and covering it up with a fake lectern purchase, she’s also caught red handed attempting to change public records in a felonious attempt to falsely claim the GOP was reimbursing the state (but emails proved that it was changed well after the theft was discovered.)
There’s also now a bipartisan investigation into anything her back room changes to FOIA covered up, because it’s now clear even to Republicans that she was just hiding her own theft and criminality by removing government transparency.

She’s likely going to be removed from office and charged, just more MAGA criminality.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Even “The Rock”? 😂

Gotta say, he solidified my lifelong admiration with the utterly insane “Zardoz”.

Edit: I’ve oddly never watched it, but in Highlander isn’t he known as “the Spaniard” (who is actually an Egyptian) but doesn’t change his Scottish accent one bit? WTF?!?

BSR said:

Ah! One of the best movies I've ever spent money on! Then again, any movie with Sean Connery in it is a winner for me. I think it's his accent?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit…Lecturngate is blowing up in Arkansas where MAGA governor Sanders is in deep shit for using taxpayer funds to take her insurrectionist girlfriends to Paris (and thousands in smaller personal purchases), then trying to hide it by changing how Arkansas replies to FOIA requests in special session with anti transparency laws that would exempt her from explaining the thefts.

When that failed she forged official documents to pretend she had used her insurrectionist friend’s company to buy a $20000 lectern (not for the$20000 trip they took together). Turns out the lecturn they showed trying to continue the fraud was a fake knockoff lectern that would only cost $7000 if it were real and is worth a few hundred dollars at most…a total fraud.
After being caught repeatedly tampering with original public records, a felony, now the AK GOP is going to reimburse the state for her vacation she claimed was a fake lecturn.

Again, MAGA governor Sanders stole well over $20000 for personal use, then used her power to try to hide it by changing FOIA with the GOP complicit in the act, then lied about what it was for when it became public knowledge anyway, and now the GOP are paying the state back for the theft and pretending that was always the plan despite all evidence and anti-transparency legislation created to the contrary.

Another MAGA governor using the office as a personal piggy bank to enrich herself and her friends while shirking their duties and breaking the laws….as usual.

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