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Cartman: "Gingers have souls!"

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" South Park Style

spawnflagger says...

Upvote for the animation, by some guy named TubeLooB, being so spot-on to South Park style that no one who commented on this video actually realized that it was not South Park. This is not by those guys, it's an independent animation project. Why he chose to recreate this Dawkins clip? I have no idea.

Q: Why is it not funny?
A: It's not South Park

Q: Why is there no Cartman or diarrhea?
A: It's not South Park

Q: Why is there no gay animal sex?
A: It's not South Park

Q: Why do they support Dawkins here and other times make fun of him?
A: South Park makes fun of everyone.

Q: Why is this in 1080p?
A1: Because youtube pays it's hosting bill per PB, not GB.
A2: Most of South Park style is vector-based models/animation, so they can export it to any resolution and it'll look good.

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" South Park Style

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" South Park Style

Lady Gaga - Poker Face (Piano Version)

choggie says...

Talented. Not Your average pop star, let's see how she evolves...She really needs to duet with Trey Parker on this song for sure....Cartman's version is way better. Her's is only worth listening to once....! And this one, well, maybe at a private party once...

The Fine Sport of Wrastling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'south park, wrestling, cartman, kyle, stan, butters, kenny' to 'south park, wrestling, cartman, kyle, stan, butters, kenny, reacharound' - edited by ponceleon

Eric Cartman sings about his waterpark...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Eric Cartman, sings, about, his, waterpark, Pi, South Park, SP, minorities, racism, races' to 'Eric Cartman, South Park, SP, minorities, racism, races, mexicans, black people, natives' - edited by gwiz665


O'Reilly / Beck: Bold & Fresh Tour 2010

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Babymech (Member Profile)

South Park Mocks Glenn Beck

South Park Mocks Glenn Beck

South Park Mocks Glenn Beck

Christopher Walken Does Lady Gaga's Poker Face

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