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Olbermann Debuts "WTF Moment" Segment - Miss California

Olberman: Glenn Beck Encourage Americans to Shoot Americans

PostalBlowfish says...

Since when is the government going to take away your right to defend yourself?

The entire FNC should be taken off the air, quite frankly. They take any little gun control law and puff it up as if the government is on your front lawn and you're gonna defend yourself with a flyswatter because knives are illegal. It's not just Beck, it's all those cowards.

If they want to inspire opposition to the left, then I'm fine with it. But inspiring fear, paranoia, and encouraging the ignorant and paranoid to be as well armed as possible is extremely close to insurrection or treason.

After years of calling everyone who isn't right of Bill Oreilly traitors who hate our country, they are now literally acting like traitors and pretty openly hate the President on a daily basis. Irresponsible and insane.

Bill O'Reilly Hates Eminem's New Sarah Palin Video

brain says...

If Bill really wants an answer, it's all about expectations. He's a rapper. If 50 cent made a song about wanting to fuck Hillary Clinton, no one would get all pissy about it. He's a rapper.

Travis Tritt, The Dixie Chicks and Bill Oreilly have to be a little bit more careful about their political statements because they have a different image to uphold.

Not everything is a vast left-wing media conspiracy. If he just took 5 minutes to think about it he'd realize that.

Bill O'Reilly Hates Eminem's New Sarah Palin Video

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bill, oreilly, eminem, sarah, palin, music, video, fword, wasilla' to 'bill, oreilly, eminem, sarah, palin, music, video, f word, wasilla, viewer warning' - edited by kronosposeidon

Bill O'Reilly - EPIC FAIL Rap Mix

Bill O'Reilly - EPIC FAIL Rap Mix

Post Your Top Ever Vid Here! (Love Talk Post)

Who is your favorite long-lost sifter? (Sift Talk Post)

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

Christain Bale Vs. Bill O'Reilly

The most entertaining boxer in history? Yes.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

HAHA! Wow, that's some seriously clever subterfuge. I'm glad you're on our side!

But seriously, I'm no good at hate so what else can I do? Thanks for your insights, I value them.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
There is an old Ghandi quote that I'm sure you've heard 'first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win'. I just think that cp420's 'outrageous' comments aren't worthy of a fight. By simply typing pwned, he was able to steal hours of the collective time of those who argued with him, which is a pretty good return on his troll investment.

Believe me, I used to troll Republican chat rooms at the beginning of the Bush admin. The goal is to inspire as much outrage as possible with as little effort. Wasting the opposition's time and energy is the point. It was also an interesting study in psychology.

My favorite troll technique was posing as a Republican with an extremely liberal girlfriend. I pretended I didn't have my own email address and that I was forced to use my girlfriends address, which was GeorgeWFascist. People would enter the room enraged at my screenname, to which I would sheepishly apologize. The funny thing is that they actually believed my schtick and let me into their confidence.

I trolled liberal chat rooms too, sorta like Bill OReilly does here.

The other thing I learned about trolling is that it is kind of sad and lonely, because the time you spend agitating is time you are not spending with people who like you and care about you.

My 2 cents. You are a righteous kitty.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
His "ignorance" is of no concern to me. He hurts my brothers and sisters, and makes them do hurtful things to him. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be dissonance on the Sift, but I don't care for the vibe it brings.

schmawy (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

There is an old Ghandi quote that I'm sure you've heard 'first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win'. I just think that cp420's 'outrageous' comments aren't worthy of a fight. By simply typing pwned, he was able to steal hours of the collective time of those who argued with him, which is a pretty good return on his troll investment.

Believe me, I used to troll Republican chat rooms at the beginning of the Bush admin. The goal is to inspire as much outrage as possible with as little effort. Wasting the opposition's time and energy is the point. It was also an interesting study in psychology.

My favorite troll technique was posing as a Republican with an extremely liberal girlfriend. I pretended I didn't have my own email address and that I was forced to use my girlfriends address, which was GeorgeWFascist. People would enter the room enraged at my screenname, to which I would sheepishly apologize. The funny thing is that they actually believed my schtick and let me into their confidence.

I trolled liberal chat rooms too, sorta like Bill OReilly does here.

The other thing I learned about trolling is that it is kind of sad and lonely, because the time you spend agitating is time you are not spending with people who like you and care about you.

My 2 cents. You are a righteous kitty.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
His "ignorance" is of no concern to me. He hurts my brothers and sisters, and makes them do hurtful things to him. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be dissonance on the Sift, but I don't care for the vibe it brings.

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