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Congresswoman Giffords talks about Palins gun crosshair pic

rebuilder says...

>> ^joedirt:

The point isn't that this guy was a Palin fan.
The point is that people like Palin shouldn't be using such insane language and violent calls for action. Imagine a muslim imam has posted a map with crosshairs for candidates. It would be seen differently in the news cycle, that's for sure.
And, yes, Palin had nothing to do with a 22yr old schizo nutjob. But when you put out this kinda of calls for violence and hatred, then, yes, when people get shot... It's time to revisit the lady putting bullseyes and naming her enemys that we need to "RELOAD" over.

Sorry, I was under the impression "wingnut" was a derogative term used to refer to right-wing extremists, but apparently it can be applied to any flavour of political extremism. Not that I'm sure this shooter really fell on any conventional political axis.

Y Axis (User Poll by dystopianfuturetoday)

Y Axis (User Poll by dystopianfuturetoday)

Rotationplasty - Medical science does what?

deathcow says...

Between when i was 19 - 24 years old I wrote all the software in a robotic bone lengthening device. It is highly related to techniques like this (and is hinted at in this video... "if the knees dont line up, another procedure is done...") the other procedure is called the Ilizarov technique.

We automated the Ilizarov technique with motors which stretched a "somewhat broken" leg 1,440 times per day, nanometers at a time, adding up to a single millimeter of "stretch" per day. This enables you to grow an inch taller every 25.4 days.

I attended many operations and bolted the motors onto the devices. One guy in Alaska had blown almost his complete tibia/fibula off with a shotgun. The doctors simply brought the foot up to the left over stub of bone, attached the motorized cage and began lengthening the bone again. In about 120 days he had grown his entire missing calf back. (It will never look the same ; ) but it is completely functional.

We also put our device on an Atlanta Falcons player who had a shortened AND rotated foot after a football break. Simple -- break the leg again, put it in a frame, and then lengthen AND rotate the leg by 1mm in each axis daily. This only took a couple weeks compared to the months for the shotgun injury.

I saw them break many bones in the operating room with chisels.

I am sure there are some Youtube videos explaining the "Ilizarov" technique and showing the frames.

White House White Board: Tax Cuts

Flood says...

The scale of the x-axis is probably misleading for the casual viewer. One side always likes to paint the picture using whole numbers and ignoring the original income value, and the other side always to paint the picture using fractions of the original income and ignoring the actual dollar value.

Axis of Evil: Christopher Hitchens

Afghanistan: We're f*#!ing losing this thing

NetRunner says...

@Winstonfield_Pennypacker I think you're still not engaging the central criticism several of us are leveling at you -- there's a moral problem with military targeting civilian population centers.

Add to this that in the case of our "war on terror", what we're really involved in here is a sort of international law enforcement effort. We weren't attacked by the military of Afghanistan, and we're not fighting their military now. We're looking for what amount to organized criminals operating within the borders of sovereign foreign nations. We're not looking to destroy the effectiveness of the Afghani people to wage war on us with their military, we're looking to stop a bunch of Timothy McVeighs in a country that doesn't really have any sort of governmental enforcement of law and order.

What you're talking about is a tactic I would argue was only barely justified to stop the Axis powers in WWII, against a country whose only crime is failing to root out criminals within their midst who merely have aspirations of launching an attack on US soil.

Just imagine if Timothy McVeigh had decided to blow up some important building in China instead of the US. Would China be justified in invading us, overthrowing our government and installing a puppet government, then bombing our infrastructure and civilian centers until they felt sure they'd killed every last member of a militia group in the US?

Chinook pilot showing off

CrushBug says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I never really thought about it till now, but how does a chinook rotate without a tail rotor? It is all just differential rotor rotation? If so, does that mean you can turn around different axis' depending on which blade you use as the pivot?

"Tandem rotor designs achieve yaw by applying opposite left and right cyclic to each rotor, effectively pulling both ends of the helicopter in opposite directions."

Chinook pilot showing off

GeeSussFreeK says...

I never really thought about it till now, but how does a chinook rotate without a tail rotor? It is all just differential rotor rotation? If so, does that mean you can turn around different axis' depending on which blade you use as the pivot?

Sigh (Member Profile)

Axis Of Awesome - 4 Chord Song

lampishthing says...

If these videos have taught us anything it's stick with a winner. I think he's learned that well >> ^brycewi19:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the guy in this video seems to be the same guy as the keyboard player in the current video:
...and it was posted 3 weeks before "The Pachelbel Rant".
Just sayin', if that's him, he's been on this "circle of fifths" thing for a while.

Axis Of Awesome - 4 Chord Song

Axis Of Awesome - 4 Chord Song

Axis Of Awesome - 4 Chord Song

Axis of Awesome - What Would Jesus Do

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