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Michael Knowles Calls Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

newtboy says...

What a disgusting piece of shit and outright liar.
Her achievements already outweigh his by miles...he's only managed to get himself kicked off Fox, impressively hard to do if you're right wing. Fox has apologized for his disgraceful ad hominem attacks against a child who he couldn't factually contradict....but Laura Ingram has also personally attacked her on her show, as has Trump on Twitter.

Being on the autism spectrum, she says she has aspergers, is a developmental disorder NOT a mental illness.
Being a pathological liar, that's a mental illness apparently now shared by an entire political party.
Being a fecal golem is a personality disorder he clearly has in spades.

The Carnegie Mellon study he sites said no such thing, and it's authors have stated that it's a total misrepresentation of their findings....repeatedly.
The study actually said certain produce at it's worst might be more ecologically harmful per calorie than some kinds of white meat eating by comparing things like bacon vs lettuce on a calorie to calorie instead of serving to serving rate, so 4 strips of bacon were compared to > 40 cups of lettuce. Get real.
To compound the confusion they chose a calorie poor produce like lettuce with high greenhouse gas emissions instead of kale, broccoli, rice, potatoes, spinach and wheat (just to name a few) which all rank lower than pork in terms of greenhouse gases.
The same argument holds for water usage...they chose lettuce, with high water requirements, instead of things like corn, peanuts, carrots and wheat which all use less water than all non-seafood meat.
It's also assumed the produce will be wasted at exponentially higher rates than meat, which can be preserved more easily. That may be true, but they don't include the preservatives or energy to refrigerate and/or freeze meat on the bacon side of the equation.

Of course the lettuce takes more resources if you eat 40+ cups instead of 4 thin bacon strips, just like when you compare a single fish stick to several giant pumpkins.

*rant over*

Failing at Normal: An ADHD Story

bcglorf says...

The screening tests are readily available online:

It wasn't till I was married and raising kids that it even occurred to me to check. I was just the notoriously shy kid growing up who would as soon play beside his friends as with them. I took the pre-screening tests though and my score there landed my in not just the range to test further, but the almost certainly going to be on the spectrum.

I've looked more at Aspergers now since and in very, very many ways it looks much like just a more extreme form of the 'male' dominant mind. A greater interest in things than in people. In many ways it's just exactly as the video presenter alludes to. People are just different, and this is a classification of a particular kind of difference. Our differences make some things easier and others harder and such is life.

moonsammy said:

Huh. At 38 I've never really seriously entertained the possibility that I might have ADHD, but this talk certainly gave me pause. Many of the behaviors she describes are something with which I identify, but I'm not certain whether that's because I actually share a set of peculiarities with her or because they are, much like a horoscope, things with which everyone identifies to some degree. If nothing else, I think I need to start looking into what actually defines whether someone has ADHD, and what to do with that knowledge if they do. Thanks for posting this notarobot!

Don't Rear End Minivan Drivers in Dallas, TX

Husband doesn't speak to Wife for 23 Years

Service dog alerts to self harm (Aspergers)

ulysses1904 says...

Pardon my cynicism, I love dogs and I donate to many dog training programs like this. But having said that, this looks like it was done for the camera, instead of the camera just being at the right place at the right time, which bugs me.

It also bugs me that "Aspergers" is stamped all over every other story you read now. Now Jerry Seinfeld and David Byrne and apparently half the offspring of half of my coworkers have a "touch of Aspergers" or are on the "autism spectrum". It's like a freaking designer diagnosis now.

And there's no shortage of news stories about someone who was the victim of road-rage or excessive police force who "suffered from Aspergers" and probably didn't understand the situation. Apparently calling them an "honor student" doesn't generate enough pathos anymore.

I'm sure I'll be misunderstood but I have nothing but empathy for this person in the video and all those that GENUINELY suffer from this.

Megyn Kelly on Fox: "Some things do require Big Brother"

newtboy says...

Oops, I re-read and I was wrong, 1-2% get (and die from) the Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, ONLY about 1/500 (.2% +-) die as a DIRECT result of measles, but far more die from pneumonia or other complications, complications which >1/3 of those infected have. That's WAY more than die from complications from vaccinations, and almost no one dies as a direct result of vaccines.

EDIT: it's odd to me that no one points out that, even if the autism link was true (it's not) the worst case scenarios ever put forth would put far fewer children somewhere on the autism spectrum due to vaccine complications compared to measles caused severe brain damage from encephalitis, making it a no brainer even if there was a link.

direpickle said:

Thanks, I couldn't find the CDC's numbers. The fatality rate I was seeing elsewhere was a few hundred dead for the ~3-5M likely infections (compared to the ~500k reported ones).

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

newtboy says...

In reply to Chingalera:
And more ranting, insistence that you control others, insistence that YOUR issues are others issues, not yours, and completely ignoring of the fact that it is Ching that is the unwanted, vulgar, insulting, and always angry poster here, that instigates fights with anyone not in lock step with his insanity, and constantly and vulgarly insults all those that won't capitulate to his outrageousness. Too bad buddy, it's still not working for you, and it pushing others towards actual ACTION rather than simple cajoling. Is it not true you've been banned 5 times already Choggie?
Is there anyone NOT on the ching shit list? Sounds like a badge of honor from where I sit.
It's astonishing that your lack of self examination allows you to spout such insanity as " It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users," which was not an English sentence, and the sentiment you were attempting to state is 100% backwards. It's YOU who is outrageous, vulgar, insulting at every turn, and completely lacking respect or honor. I have never had trouble with another user on this have trouble with at least 3 right now that you've listed by name, and far more that I know of right now, and at least 10 more in the past if you've really been banned 5 times (as I think you have). D'oh!
Really, were you really trying to lure a 13 year old girl alone from over seas to your home for 'vocal training'?!? Just plain OMG! That's what your post seemed to have said you wanted, I went way back to read it. D'oh!

For the sift, and perhaps @dag, is it time for at least hobbling here?
I have tried to ignore this user, to no avail. We agreed together to no longer 'private message' each other on our profile page long ago, an agreement Ching was wholly unable to fulfill, as he constantly posts outrageous, insulting, vulgarity filled private messages to my profile (and in public in response to most of my comments, which he seems pathologically incapable of not insulting or degrading with outrageous vulgarity and vitriol). Sometimes he realizes he has gone way too far and tries to edit away the vulgar insults before they're immortalized, which is at least in part what hobbling is about right? Ching is unable to not personally insult, personally attack, or to be reasonable or respectful for more than one short post at a time (followed by at least a day of ranting insults, attacks, and vulgarity).
I often do comment about Ching's behavior/posts, but not his person. I don't know him, I only know his actions here.
I've also been a sifter since near the onset of the site, and I've never been banned! I just didn't sign up for a membership for years while I 'lurked'. I don't see how that makes a difference, this is about behavior. Ching's behavior is far beyond site guidelines....until now I've let that slide with only my words to him in response. Because he is now ramping it up again, any further "private" message, or trolling my comments will have me begin a push for actual action against Ching. He's just getting out of control and his vitriol is building. He alone is making the sift a far less pleasant place for many.
Consider this, I or others may be on the autism spectrum, is ridiculing the mentally challenged with vulgarity and personal insult proper or respectful?
I'm still really wondering how on earth Ching was allowed back on the site after being banned 5(?) times!?! Second chance...OK, 5th chance and still doing his best to be annoying and vulgar to all, WTF?!?
I made a promise to no longer private message Ching...I am a man of my word, and I intend to never allow his rantings on my profile to remain, ching, are well aware of this, it was at your request, and you've been reminded repeatedly, so your whining about it is called out as the completely fabricated BS that it is. If he doesn't want to hear from me about his insanity laden cursing fit's of posts, publicly, he could just as easily stop making them directly to or about me and he would be ignored by me, but that is not happening.

chingalera said:


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

chingalera (Member Profile)

chingalera says...


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered, whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

12 Year Old Music Prodigy - Greatest talent in 200 years??

MilkmanDan says...

My guess: he's got a high-IQ, high-functioning, autism spectrum condition.

Sensitive to stimuli like street noise so that he blocks his ears with his hands, obsession and savant-like talent for a specific activity (composing / all things musical), etc.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that fairly clearly he's wired a bit different -- and that is a good thing.

Minecraft Enterprise guy building a 16-bit ALU

Shepppard says...

>> ^Stu:

why oh why would someone spend weeks doing this when they could just go outside and play in the sun...

From Wiki:
Asperger syndrome or Asperger's syndrome (English pronunciation: /æspɜrɡɜrz/) is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction.

Playing in the sun isn't generally a lot of fun by yourself. No more fun then a computer could give you, anyway.

Asperger's Child interviews Mother Cartoon

MilkmanDan says...

I've had a reasonable amount of experience with autism-spectrum disorders. I have a brother (adopted) about 16 years younger than me that has been diagnosed with PDD "Pervasive Developmental Disorder", an autism variant. I have a cousin diagnosed with Aspergers, on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of high vs. low functioning or however you want to politically-correctify that.

And then there is me, personally. I think that if I was born and growing up now instead of late Gen-X / early Gen-Y, I would probably be diagnosed with mild Aspergers. I was never very socially adept, I had obsessions more than an average kid, etc. The Aspergers kids that I know now remind me a lot of myself at their age.

I accept that Aspergers is a real thing, but to me it seems a LOT more nebulous than the opposite end of the autism spectrum. What I mean is, it is easy for me to analyze myself as being fairly asocial (different than antisocial, I think) and nerdy, but not necessarily clinically asocial and nerdy. The kids I know that have been diagnosed with Aspergers seem to be perhaps a little more pronounced in their display of "symptoms" than I was (/am?), but not to a great degree.

I guess it just seems like sometimes we're in a scramble to classify and diagnose "disorders" that lie not all that far away from the meaty area of the bell curve. Can't a nerdy kid just be nerdy? It worked OK for me.

Psychochemical Dumbing-Down of Society

Raigen says...

While your statistic is accurate according to the CDC, that is in reference to Autism Spectrum Disorder; there are varying degrees of the disorder, and not every child diagnosed has that severe Autism that everyone is so on edge about. Yes, having the disorder is bad in and of itself, but there are varying levels of the disorder. Here's a list of statistics on the prevalence of types of PDDs from the Autism Society of Canada's website:

"Prevalence of specific PDDs

* CDD Rare: ~ 0.2 in 10,000= ~ 500 Canadians
* Rett's Rare: ~ 1 in 10,000= ~ 3,150 Canadians
* Autistic Disorder: ~ 20 in 10,000= ~ 73,000 Canadians
* PDD-NOS: ~ 15 in 10,000= ~ 47,000 Canadians
* Asperger's: ~ 5 in 10,000= ~ 15,000 Canadians

Fombonne, E., 2003: Modern Views of Autism, Can. J. Psychiatry, 48:503-505.
Fombonne, E., 2003: Epidemiology of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders: an update. J. Autism.Dev. Disord. 33:365-381\"

Why are the levels of Autism increasing? A very good explanation could be the same reason the levels of diagnosis on other diseases seems to spike with the progression of medical science: We get better at diagnosing illnesses.

If something is causing the disorders to become more common in children, and the public at large, it will be discovered, but at this point there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that anything in our vaccines or our drinking water is creating a neurological disorder epidemic. The burden of proof lies on those who claim it is "not natural", just like those who say God created the Cosmos. For all we know right now it could be natural, and we have just never realized it before.

But, to paraphrase Tim Minchin: "If you can show me how it works and why it works I will spin on a fucking dime, and I'll be embarrased as all hell, but I will admit it with evidence, and I will take a compass and carve "fancy that" on the side of my cock."

I completely agree with you that it doesn't appear that way with our politicians, nor does the mass media help in anyway with the preponderance of getting celebrities to pitch in their own "opinions" on the current state of affairs within our societies. To go back to the Anti-Vax nonsense, Jenny McCarthy is a perfect example; she believes her "mommy instinct" trumps all known medical science and evidence, and now it appears her kid never even had Autism in the first place, but an entirely different neurological disorder:,8599,1967796-1,00.html

>> ^Duckman33:
Whether this video is bullshit or not. The fact remains that 1 out of every 110 children born has autism. That is unacceptable. So what is the cause if not fluoride in the drinking or vaccines?? I find it hard to believe this is natural. Anyone of you geniuses disputing the video have an answer?

Michael Savage says Children with Autism are Faking It

T-man says...

My daughter has been diagnosis with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. I sure would like to know where these benefits are. Can I just go down to the main office and pick them up? I'm spending over $20k a year out of pocket on a special school and therapies - those benefits sure would help...

Michael Savage can kiss my ass.

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