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Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

imstellar28 says...

>> ^raddishs:
>> ^imstellar28:
I'd like to see a 1,000 person protest where everyone has an AK-47 strapped to their back exercising their 2nd amendment rights. Wonder if the cops would think twice about violating the constitution then?

Really? If I saw that I would be too busy soiling myself to worry about my freedoms.

You just need to learn to disassociate guns with murder and violence, and re-associate them with freedom, personal protection, and the defense of your loved ones

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

raddishs says...

>> ^imstellar28:
I'd like to see a 1,000 person protest where everyone has an AK-47 strapped to their back exercising their 2nd amendment rights. Wonder if the cops would think twice about violating the constitution then?

Really? If I saw that I would be too busy soiling myself to worry about my freedoms.

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

imstellar28 says...

Looks like the scene out of V for Vendetta where the cop shoots the young girl. This video made my day, the young man who charged that officer has indescribable courage in the face of tyranny.

I'd like to see a 1,000 person protest where everyone has an AK-47 strapped to their back exercising their 2nd amendment rights. Wonder if the cops would think twice about violating the constitution then?

Rachel Hoffman: Police Sting Gone Wrong 20/20 (Lies)

NordlichReiter says...

Wikipedia defines blackmail is close to extortion. Which is what these cops did.

It is illegal to entrap or extort any criminal. No matter how heinous the crime they still have rights, afforded to them by the Miranda.

I see plea bargaining and the like as a perversion of the justice system.

If you are guilty as proven of murder then you should not be able to plea down to a manslaughter charge.

All this for a bag of dope? Cops to scared to do their own job, so they send in a minnow in a shark tank.

These aren't even the dangerous dealers either. Back in my home state they have dealers that ride around with AK 47, and Mp5s. That's something they wont tell you.

MG is right she did break the law. 20 years for dope? Shit there are people that get off with 2 days in county and then a month in rehab. I don't need to name people - CELEBRITIES

Sift Up Anyone? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Farhad2000 says...

You're all always welcome in Kuwait to aid in logistics for terror ops have fun in the sun.

You will get to wear authentic bomb vests, balaclavas, jihad style kuffiyahs Arab dish dashes and gutras.

While indulging in suicide bombing, IED placement, AK-47 training, infidel elimination camel rides, walks on the beach, visit to the oil refinery, shopping.

Why Congress won't Impeach Bush and Cheney

theaceofclubz says...

I'd be willing to speculate the reason the dems have so far been impotent in calling for impeachment has to do with the unmotivated republican base as of right now. If the impeachment succeeded and Bush/Cheney were thrown out on their asses and a dem was brought it would be a rallying cry for the republicans. That being said, it will be interesting to see if they grow any balls after the election. It would be nice if this horrendous precedent were not set.

McCain - Feel the Excitement -

As for the possibility of the declaration of martial law, I think it is pretty low. True we don't have a nation armed with AK-47's, but snipers will fuck you up just as well. And armor doesn't mean shit in the cities. Plus what do you think the desertion rate of the military would be after asking them to kill their own countrymen, my guess would be pretty high. They'd probably bring some of their fancy military toys with them. All in all, I think its unfeasible.

Russian Chick Explaining the AK-47

How Would You Survive a Zombie Attack? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Farhad2000 says...

I would keep a AK-47, as it's automatic fire and ammunition would not be problem over large geographical areas. As a side arm I would keep a shotgun and for worst case scenarios I would keep a large machete.

I would not opt for chain mail as it restricts my mobility. Am assuming we are talking Tech 1 zombies that can only barely walk fast enough. I would opt for flex fitted overalls fitted with criss crossing plastic covers, along the lines of football uniform.

I would also opt for a large shopping center. Making camp on roof and access only by ladder know that zombies do not possess the necessary grip ability to sufficiently climb anything. Stair cases would be barricaded. I would exhaust fresh produce first and then live off canned meat. I would observe and study the creatures waiting for them to eat themselves out. On evenings I will make molotov cocktails to throw down and glee as they walk like firey candles.

I would make sure to fit out my SUV with a roll cage and slit windows, I would also opt for non deflatable tires with slicked corners that would push out making it hard to climb. I would drench slick oil or other liquids so that no grip can be attained on its surfaces. Door mounted shotguns to allow fire within a 45 degree angle off the doors. There will be no windows. Storage in the back for gasoline and syphons to steal gas from other vehicles.

I will not stop, try to look for or try to investigate anything looking for survivors. Its not my responsibility and they would need to prove that they are human to me first. I would make sure to check everyone after any sort of excursion for bite marks or infection, if found I would quarantine them, kill them if it proves to turn them.

Bad Idea Sift Day (Eia Talk Post)

A smart man would put down his AK-47 when it catches fire

A smart man would put down his AK-47 when it catches fire

doogle says...

yes, a smart man would put down his AK-47 when it catches fire,
but when it's absolutely important to fire all 300 rounds into that heap of garbage in the distance,
you best put those 300 rounds into that heap of garbage.

No ifs ands or buts about it.

A smart man would put down his AK-47 when it catches fire

Lurch says...

Yes, they do make 100 round drums for Ak-47s. At least they used to be manufactured. I owned a few many years ago. They also closely resemble the the ones used in the video. Hard to find now though since I believe they're old Chinese manufacture. Given the rare availability and that he only fired for about 7 seconds a drum, I think you're right though.

The Media is not Challenging the War Drumbeat...Again

charliem says...

>> ^SaNdMaN:
>> ^charliem:
Seen an interview with a EOD trooper in iraq (from the UK army) saying that they constantly find UXO RPG shells, 105mm mortars / arty shells, all with trademark iranian signatures from iranian weapons manufacturers.

There are also plenty of AK-47s. Doesn't mean that Russia is supplying the Iraqi insurgency.

Thats my point.
There are iranian arms inside iraq, the army shouldnt just blatantly use that as proof-positive that the iranian state are supporting terrorists.

The Media is not Challenging the War Drumbeat...Again

SaNdMaN says...

>> ^charliem:
Seen an interview with a EOD trooper in iraq (from the UK army) saying that they constantly find UXO RPG shells, 105mm mortars / arty shells, all with trademark iranian signatures from iranian weapons manufacturers.

There are also plenty of AK-47s. Doesn't mean that Russia is supplying the Iraqi insurgency.

Stupidest Guy on Earth Speaks Out

MarineGunrock says...

Ya know, when this shit all started in 2003, with the "evidence" provided at the time, I think that it's safe to say that the majority of the nation wanted to go to war with Iraq. Hell, they had WMDs? And intelligence said that they wanted to use them on us? Get the fucking bastards, right? Yeah!

Lo and behold, if they had them, they're now gone. That's if they ever had them. At all.
Once we had confirmed that there were indeed no WMDs, we had no right to be there. A sovereign nation had not attacked us, and presented no threat to us if they really had no WMDs. Seriously - what are they gonna do, invade the U.S. with a bunch of guys with AK-47s? They would get massacred. But that's all a moot point, because they had absolutely no means of even getting to us. Therefore the only threat they posed were WMDs - of which it turns out they had none.

Yeah, the got a little repetitive, but bear with me.
When I joined the Marine Corps in 2003, I had only spent about 6 months in the Fleet before I was cast into the giant sandbox to help the war effort that was supposed to be outing a regime and searching for WMDs. By that time (July 2004) we had already caught Saddam cowering in his little hole like the piece of shit that he is was.
By that time there were still no WMDs to be found.
By that time Bush had delivered his "Mission accomplished" speech on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
That was May 1st, 2003. Before I had even went to boot camp.
By that time, we realized that we had accomplished our main goal: Outing the current leader of Iraq.
There were no WMDs to be found, and we knew that. To my knowledge, there are NO teams currently looking for them, or were when I was there.
That means we no longer had any business left.
But wait - there's people shooting at us.
So we'll stay and kill them, right? Sure, why not take care of it while we can!
But do you think those unorganized ragtag insurgents are going to follow us if we left Iraq?
Because we'd be giving them what they want.
Us to leave.
And never come back.
But no, we'll continue a war that doesn't even have a defined goal.
We'll continue it even WELL after we've run out of money to fund it, so long as China keeps loaning us money, which I'm sure they will do for as long as wee keep buying their shit that poisons our kids and breaks within a month.

But here's the part that REALLY baffles me:
1) This nation was created by the people, to be run FOR the people.
2) The majority of the nation thinks that we need to pull out of Iraq.
3) There is a candidate that is actually dumb enough to base his campaign on something that the majority has been proven to not want. Who fucking does that? Sides with the minority when trying to get votes? Seriously?
4) We're not out of Iraq when the PEOPLE want us out, and that our CONGRESS that was established BY the PEOPLE to SERVE the PEOPLE hasn't done SHIT.

Do I regret joining? Hell no. I miss it every day and even think of going back in almost as often. Would I go back if I was still in? Yes, because those were my orders, and I know that there are a lot of Iraqi civillians that want us there, because we bring them new schools and hospitals, among lots of other things. Do I think that we should get the fuck out of there, thereby saving billions of dollars and thousands of lives?

How does saying "no" not contradict sanity?

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