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Devo - Satisfaction (live on SNL in 1978)

Why Trust Is Worth It - zefrank

Daily Show - Gay-ban Arizon's Preemptive strike

Another Way to Die - Jack White, Alicia Keys (new Bond song)

How our society fails its men and boys -- the trailer

shatterdrose says...

To say we haven't hyper masculinized our culture is just plain ignorant. If you look throughout history, you can see the gradual progression towards an ungodly amount of "manliness". Same goes for women too. A lot simply comes down to advertising and commercialization, the segmentation of the have's and have not's and so forth.

You want to have respect? Be a man! Want money? Be a man! But what IS being a man? Is it punching some dude in the face for "disrespecting" you? Or if it laughing it off knowing the other guy is just a loser?

In reality, it comes down to money. To people who are poor, violence is usually the solution. There is no question about that; statistically speaking poorer men are more likely to lash out violently than those with more. Mostly because the poor man only has his respect. The rich man, well, he could get sued, lose his job, get hurt, lose his house and fancy car etc.

Knowing this, how do you advertise to the male with little? You tell him if he wants to be anything, he needs to be a man! Like James Bond or something. 6-pack abs (despite a long history of that not being the ideal form, i.e. early black and white movies or dress makers changing the sizes of their clothes from a size 12 being "average" to a size 6.)

I know we love to say men are being feminized and turning into "wussies." Fox news loves talking about how the NFL is worried about brain injuries (despite all the evidence showing clearly there is a ton of it) and Christian groups claiming bullying is GOOD for society because it weeds out the gays. For a "man" to, I have no idea actually, whatever it is the Fox News thinks men should be . . . Are "men" supposed to always be violent? They should always resort to shooting each other over trivial things?

What exactly is "being a man" all about anyway? Not being gay? Not being like a woman? And why is being a woman, or gay, so terrible? Why is it that high heels and make up were originally a "man" thing? Or frilly clothes . . . Why is it that 100 years ago, little boys and girls wore the same clothes, which were usually dresses? Hell, Ernest Hemmingway (a man's man) wore a dress as a child. There are plenty of pictures of him in it, and it's even on display at his house in Key West. So is he less of a man now?

And if wearing a skirt is so not manly, why are Scot's so manly then? Or is it manly to say fuck society, I'll do what I want? Is it manly to go against the flow? Stand up for what you believe? For instance, the story of the father who wore dresses because his son wanted to wear a dress, and the father didn't want his son to feel ashamed for being who he is? I'm pretty sure that father, as some say, has some pretty big brass balls. Would you do that for your kid? Or would you bow to societal pressure instead?

A worthy topic of discussion . . . I mean, right after ending the pointless wars and stopping the NSA from finding out whether or not you wear your wife's panties . . .

Kimmel's Kid's Corner Skit Offends China

C-130 Hercules & The Fulton Recovery System

C-Brownell says...

The guy being picked up off the ground at Phan Rang AB is Sgt Nunnley. 352nd TFS. He & I were good friends and I was there and took some pics of it. He said it was a blast---pulling about 5 g's when first yanked off the ground.

Moyers | Yves Smith and Dean Baker on the TPP

VideoSifts @UsesProzac Sings The Most Wonderful Song

chingalera says...

You really do have some unique vocal styling there sister, very enigmatic, hauntingly addictive-Are you a contralto?? (type ab negative of the vocal range)

UsesProzac said:

Thank you so much for listening, everyone. I'm floored at the reaction!

King Crismson ~ Live Aus Alabama

A Back Piece Tattoo in Under 4 mins

Nick Jr. Does Game of Thrones Sequence Commerical

Conan - Elijah Wood gets gender swapped by the Internet

South Park, S17 EP01: "It's Called Shitter"

See Penn and Teller Shock Arsenio with Their Latest Trick

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