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chingalera (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

choggie BANNED AGAIN, Clive, DIG MAN, your own grave with your mouth. Come back soon so we can, do it again. AND IT WILL BE DONE.

Oh,...and, guess whom?

@012815: 372 - 89 / 121 - 379 - 7593 - 586,570

Clive (Member Profile)

Audra was pulled over and given two tickets...

mintbbb says...

@speechless Net hasn't been interested in getting involved in a LONG time now. I have told him that Choggie isn't around any more, but that hasn't changed his mind. I think he just burned himself with arguing here or something. Personally I am happy he isn't getting upset over VS stuff any more.

I also don't think he has access to VS from work any more like he used to.

I don't sift much any more, but when I do, I nudge him towards my unsifted queue, and he's kind enough to just check it out/upvote either before going to work or at lunch. Since it bothers you, I won't ask him any more.

I doubt he wants to start sifting again, but I'll let him know he's missed.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

bluecliff says...

man, since Choggie left this site has become a progressive hellhole. Long live the old days. Also, Anita is a con artist, and you people are worse than Fox news.

blankfist (Member Profile)

enoch says...

anytime my man.
your voice and input has been sorely missed.
sometimes this site does appear to be one giant circlejerk and the hornets nest should be poked from time to time.

all the great agitators left (you being one of them) and y'all left me to carry the water.
and lets be honest...i dont have the skills to get peeps to lose their shit quite as deftly as you do.
choggie was great but he was too passionate and would devolve into a giant rage machine.
i miss that fucker as well,our own little mysanthrope.

complacency and apathy can be just as destructive as rage and anger.

there are some intelligent and thoughtful people here on the sift but with nobody challenging their conceptions and worldviews they end up spending the majority of their time smelling their own farts and calling them good.

so i hope your visit is not a short one.
these people NEED you.
they just dont know it yet.

i mean look.
you post a single video.

you are still the master my friend.

blankfist said:

Thanks for the promote, enoch!!

CDC Whistleblower Admits MMR Vaccine Autism Link

Vonstank (Member Profile)

Inappropriate Animatronic Demon Toy

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

artician says...

At some point, this amount of disagreement does nothing but push us all down collectively to a level that is enough evidence that none of us are worthy of choosing what is right and good for the collective of the human race, versus what is wrong and should be avoidable.

That says more for those of us who supposedly represent the authority than it does for citizens reacting to these crimes, but it still goes for all of us.

There is so much blindness in this thread on every side, and that does not exclude my own. Ultimately we're all swayed by our personal experiences. The sum of all arguments is nearly impossible to calculate, but it's there.
I don't care much for "law" as it's practiced today, and there is plenty of evidence online to support any orderly or bigoted perspective if you care to weigh it that subjectively, but pertaining to videos such as these, here is what you cannot deny regardless of your position:

Minorities will always have the lesser voice, and be exploited, intentionally or unintentionally, by the authority.

Around the world, at all times, though perhaps more now than the last few decades, the majority of government authority is responding to the fear that has been shown prevalently in media and culture for at least a generation.

The proper solution for all of our kind is a way for authoritative powers to understand that when there is a diplomatic minority large enough to warrant force as a response, force is no longer the appropriate answer. Otherwise, at this point, you have to allow voice to this community or you are a verifiable dictatorship/tyrant/oppressor or despot, and no longer the best representation of your collective people.

In the end, the discussions that all forums ultimately fall into is one that simply tries to snuff the other out. Lantern53 is a a verifiable, uneducated menace, ass, and an example of the ignorance that is readily welcomed by an all-to-eager agency whose present desire is to employ thugs more than representatives of the people.

However we, collectively, need that voice. We need to know who in our society has such widely disparate views in order to regulate and balance our own perspectives. It is healthy to encounter perspectives that are not your own, and it's up to everyone and each individual to temperate our reactions, despite how offensive they might be. In that sense, people such as Lantern, BobKnight, Shiny, Choggie, and all the other "assholes" who've sifted through the sift, possess a little more bravery than most of us. (Or they're trolls, but in communities such as the sift, they're more likely just angry people with a drastically alternate perspective from the majority).

The next time you encounter someone like Lantern, just take their perspective and defeat them with logic and reason. If you don't have the knowledge to do so, research factual evidence to do it. If you cannot find factual evidence to do so, you may well be in the wrong.

I have; everyone has. It just comes down to trying to shout into submission those with different views - or - converting them to an understanding perspective with reason and evidence. It's not a one-side versus the other, either. It must go back and forth to a certain extent, because that is how you reach mutual understanding.

If all else fails, y'know, find out their address and bring a tire-iron.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Are you just throwing out buzzwords to sound cool? You honestly aren't sounding very sane or rational at the moment dude. This sounds more like an emotional rant that's been boiling for months and you finally lost your cool. you keep spewing out words like hypocritical, no humanity, two dimensional yet no objective details.

just vague subjective terms and references to bodily functions.

I see you are taking up choggie's mantle of derailing sifts for your personal vendettas and nonsensical ravings, though.

enoch said:


two dimensional thinking at its finest.

just because i point out that your commentary is tantamount to harassment does not automatically equal my condoning lantern or bobs oftentimes ridiculous commentary.

just because i am pointing out your hypocrisy does not mean i disagree with your actual comments.

if my fly was open or i had a huge booger hanging from my nose i hope you would pull me aside and point that out to me not stand from the bleachers,point and laugh.

your obsession with always being right has clouded your judgement in regards to what i am trying to point out to you.

is your ego so massive that the words of another should be so easily dismissed?each consecutive comment towards me is becoming more and more irrational and paranoid.

you mentioned calling me out on another thread.
yes you did.
which was a response to ME calling YOU out first.
and i smacked you down pretty handily.mainly due to the fact that you base your commentary towards me rife with presumption and conjecture.

which is exactly what you are doing here...again.

instead of hearing my words,you marginalize me in order to dismiss and ignore them.which is what all weak-minded people do in order to hold onto their own misconceptions.

bob does it.
lantern does it.
and so do you.

but never for a second deceive yourself into thinking i do not have the stones to say what needs to be said.your commentary reveals such an ignorance about who i am that i am literally laughing while i type this to you.

stop projecting voodoo.this persona you write about is not i,but rather you.

one last thing for your consideration (since we have totally hi-jacked this thread.sorry OP,please forgive).one of the main reasons i called you out was due to multiple private emails i received in regards to your current..and i quote one.."douchey attitude".

so the silence you hear is NOT due to agreement or consensus but rather many sifters fear confrontation.

i hold no such fear.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Sorry Enoch, but I don't consider your bodily functions to be reliable evidence of hypocrisy. Perhaps you should consult a doctor about your particular issues.

I'll make sure I consult you in the future about which sifts and when it is appropriate to confront Lantern and Bob. I wasn't aware that it was in the TOS of Videosift that I need your permission.

How exactly do you objectively measure humanity, or lack thereof? Maybe if your emotion filled rant had any actual meat as you say I might be better able to comply.

What's the matter? Choggie got himself banned, so you're picking Lantern and Bob as your new hard luck case in need of your personal "defense" even though you claim to not condone their posts too. If I remember right I called you out as a hypocrite when you did that with Choggie. Are you finally revenge posting? What took you so long to have the stones to say something?

enoch said:


your comment is the definition of circular logic.
ignoring the meat of my commentary to actually repeat what i said,and for what?

i was pointing out your lack of humanity.
i was pointing out that you use the very same tactics of former sifters that got banned because of their:harrassing,belittling and personally derogatory commentary directed at other sifters.

i watched you cry like a little girl and call dag out on multiple occasions when it was done to you.yet you feel it totally acceptable to do it to others you disagree with.

hypocrisy in action and you are totally oblivious to that fact.

other sifters criticize bob and lantern,myself included,for the exact same reasons i posted in my commentary (which you just regurgitated) but i dont see them following them from thread to thread to ridicule,belittle and berate, but YOU do.

i was not defending lantern.i was pointing to your hypocrisy and lack of humanity.
i was pointing to the fact that when YOU were the object of ridicule and harassment,you cried for bannation.

so how come when YOU harass it is somehow some social justice issue?
that your golden-honeyed words are really for the betterment of mankind but when its done to you..well..they are just being big meanies to you.

irony seems to be lost on you.

since your commentary reveals 2 dimensional thinking i can only assume you will take my commentary as somehow being a hateful attack against you.i assure,this is not my intent,nor does my commentary indicate an abstract support of lantern.quite the opposite.lanterns commentary was never my point to begin with friend.

i have offered multiple times for you and i to clear any grudges or disagreements in private.which were always ignored.

so i have said it before,and i will say it again:love your commentary.hate your high horse.

hypocrisy makes my eyeballs itch.
and you ARE a hypocrite voodoo.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...

the situation in st louis did not just pop up out of thin air overnight.the tensions between the poor community (mostly black) and the police has been a festering pressure cooker for almost 15 years.

a particularly venal chapter in the st louis police archives is the RNC of 2008,for anybody to absorb some context on the militarization of a police force.

the tinder has been accumulating just waiting for the match.
mike brown WAS that match.
this is not new nor original.
it has happened before.

and as @lantern53 has pointed out:it is the chain of command that sets the tone of how that police force performs their if those in charge are authoritarian douche nozzles,that attitude tends to trickle down to the everyday cop on the street.

cops by their very nature are authoritarian due to their vocational choice.they respect the chain of command and the authority it follow orders is to be a "good" cop.

so i do not understand the ridicule that lantern is receiving.he is offering his perspective AS an actual police officer.i am not suggesting that he is right NOR that his opinion somehow exonerates the st louis cop JUST because he is a cop but rather we should listen to someone who actual IS a cop.

there is absolutely ZERO evidence that lantern is a bad cop.we simply do not know how well,or poorly,lantern is at his job.

there IS evidence,however,that lantern tends be a tad racist,authoritarian and contradictory.lantern may be a poor debater but that does not make him a bad cop.

though his defense of zimmerman does reveal an extremely poor judge of character.(seriously lantern?that dude is a full fledged cunt).

but i get it @VoodooV,
lantern is easy pickings.
a right wing authoritarian conservative commenting on a mostly secular left site?
its like shooting fish in a barrel.

sometimes lantern brings it on himself...i know.
his poor debating skills coupled with an almost embarrassing understanding of history and government makes him catnip to someone like you.


i disagree with lantern,pretty much always and i agree that sometimes his biased rhetoric should be taken to task,if only to clear up the bullshit.

but you take it to whole new levels voodoo.
you follow him from thread to thread and chastise and belittle him and THEN act all hurt and shocked when he lashes out at you!

seriously?thats like poking a grizzly bear in the face and then crying when it rips half your face off.

you use the exact same tactics choggie used,but at least he was entertaining.

you are just a bully.
a hypocritical,sanctimonious bully.hiding behind the skirts of others who may find lanterns comments distasteful (which they certainly can be).this is a cowards path and just like all bullies,you rely on the silence of others to continue your persecution of someone who does not have the support of an entire site.

i find your lack of humanity disturbing.
and i will not be silent.
your actions do not deserve respect but rather ridicule.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Still angry about that small sample size eh? still haven't looked up anecdotal either I see.

That's a very poor definition of thug, as that actually describes life in general.

traditions are ALWAYS challenged and eventually put down, convention is ALWAYS challenged and put down, Laws are always challenged and changed. Social responsibility is an ever changing term

30 years as a cop means nothing, it's just a pathetic appeal to authority fallacy, and you just being insecure...again, about a great many things, which prompts you to play your tired Internet Tough Guy routine. The 90s called, they want their early internet "debate" tactics back.

as a former cop (gee, wonder why you aren't anymore) you should know that you are answerable to the taxpayers...That means I'm your boss dipshit. not the other way around, your former coworkers would do well to remember that.

you push us? we push back.

funny, I don't see the thug term being applied to any white criminals. just the black ones.

Anarchist? are you deaf blind and dumb? (oops, my bad, of course you are)

choggie and blankfist are/were the resident anarchists. Both were banned and my comment history shows me arguing with them constantly. You don't like to read though do you..

You just aren't very good at this are you.

lantern53 said:

Wrong again, brainiac. Thug is a word that describes living the 'thug life', you know...disregard for tradition, convention, laws, social responsibility.

A thug is a criminal, someone who commits a shoplifting by force, a felony in most jurisdictions.

naturally, you being an anarchist... the cops are always wrong.

memphisflashtcb (Member Profile)

Actor/Playwright Wallace Shawn on Israel/Palestine Conflict

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