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blankfist (Member Profile)

Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

st0nedeye says...

Regimes supported

Juan Vicente Gomez, Venezuela, 1908-1935.
Jorge Ubico, Guatemala, 1931-1944.
Fulgencio Batista, Republic of Cuba 1952-1959.
Syngman Rhee, Republic of Korea (South Korea), 1948-1960.
Rafael Trujillo, Dominican Republic, 1930-1961.[citation needed]
Ngo Dinh Diem, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), 1955-1963.
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran, 1953-1979.
Anastasio Somoza Garcia, Nicaragua, 1967-1979.
Military Junta in Guatemala, 1954-1982.
Military Junta in Bolivia, 1964-1982.[citation needed]
Military Junta in Argentina, 1976-1983.
Brazilian military government, 1964-1985.
François Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier, Republic of Haiti, 1957-1971; 1971-1986.[citation needed]
Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguay, 1954-1989.[citation needed]
Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines, 1965-1986.[8][9]
General Manuel Noriega, Republic of Panama, 1983-1989.
General Augusto Pinochet, Chile, 1973-1990.
Saddam Hussein, Republic of Iraq, 1982-1990.
General (military), Suharto Republic of Indonesia, 1975-1995.
Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire/Congo, 1965-1997.
Hosni Mubarak, Egypt, 1981-2011.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2012.
Saudi royal family, 2012.
Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, 1991-2012.[10]
Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia, 1995-2012.[11]
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea, 2006-2012.[12]

MACH 1 Surprise

Most Advanced Car Cassette Player Ever Made (1988)

albrite30 says...

I had a 17 dollar portable boombox in the back of my 1989 mercury sable, which belted out horrible sound all the time. Luckily my tastes ranged from Tool and Metallica and Sevendust and not much else.

Helicopter shootdown in Syria

Mordhaus says...

See Afghanistan 1979-1989, history is a great wheel.

lantern53 said:

Allah must be half-deaf.

See the video where the Syrian rebel cuts the guy's chest open and rips out and eats the heart? Good stuff. So russia is weaponizing the regime while we're backing the rebels. Sounds like a plan, Mr. Obama. Good luck!

Racing. Not posing.

braschlosan says...

Give me a 914 with a Subaru motor or a 944 and I'd flog it all day long.

If I was gonna get something with snap oversteer I'd get a 1989 SuperCharged MR2 (mostly for the body style)

chingalera said:

Hey braschlosan, you'd prob'ly be a believer if you hopped in a boxster for day or two..

John Howard on Gun Control

jimnms says...

The people behind the study may be biased, however it doesn't matter who published it as long as their sources check out, which the article I linked does cite the Australian Institute of Criminology. Your link is just as biased cherry picking out only gun related crime, ignoring the overall crime rate. Obviously if you ban guns then shootings will decrease, but if you look at the whole picture something will take its place. Here is the summary notes from the Australian Institute of Criminology on violent crime:

* Assaults continue to represent the majority of recorded violent crimes. The overall trend since 1996 has been upward, with an increase of 55 percent between 1996 and 2007.
* The trend in sexual assault has also followed a general increase. The highest numbers of victims of sexual assault and of assault were recorded in 2007.
* There were 282 victims of homicide in 2007: a 12 percent decrease from 2006 and the lowest number recorded in the past 12 years.
* Continuing the trend since 2004, robbery offences increased again in 2007, to 17,988.
* The number of recorded kidnappings fluctuates from year to year. From 1996 to 2004, kidnappings registered a general increase, but the number of victims of kidnapping has remained relatively steady following a decline in 2005.

Here is the summary of statistics on homicide by weapon type: "There has been a pronounced change in the type of weapons used in homicide since monitoring began. Firearm use has declined by more than half since 1989-90 as a proportion of homicide methods, and there has been an upward trend in the use of knives and sharp instruments, which in 2006-07 accounted for nearly half of all homicide victims."

There you go, straight from the source. Post NFA, violent crime is higher. While homicide initially went up, it fell back to a steady decline which was already in decline before the NFA.

kymbos said:

@jimnms, if you can't find a webpage on the internets that agrees with your preconception, you're not really trying. So because a right wing think tank cherry picks some data to pretend that more guns does not equal more death from guns, it does not make you right.

Here's a response suggesting your source is funded by the Koch brothers:

Tim's Place: The World's Happiest Restaurant

Ydaani says...

OK Ok. i have to be the guy who turns this in a wrong direction. Sorry.

I have worked with these wonderful individuals who have Down Syndrome and have cherished my time with them. Yet I have to throw out these stats and wonder how people today feel about it:

"A 2002 literature review of elective abortion rates found that 91–93% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome were terminated. Data from the National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register in the United Kingdom indicates that from 1989 to 2006 the proportion of women choosing to terminate a pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome has remained constant at around 92%.

In the United States a number of studies have examined the abortion rate of fetuses with Down syndrome. Three studies estimated the termination rates at 95%, 98%, and 87% respectively." (

My question to you is: Should we terminate any child that has a pre-birth diagnosis of Down Syndrome? And if so, will you miss seeing stories like the above? Since we cannot cure Down Syndrome, is the answer to just terminate it before it happens...or should we encourage parents to try and bring these beautiful children into the world? Videos like these sort of hinge on that choice.

Wait for it ..........

bremnet says...

Very talented, indeed. Have seen this done a few times. E.g. McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario Canada, frosh week activities September 1989, outdoor "concert" near the path south of Whidden Hall residence. Talented artist and musician using a similar approach did a Hendrix poster upside down and in bright (luminescent) colors. And then he burnt it. And smoked it.

Freddys' Dead ~ Fishbone ~ Live on Soul Train

The Really Useful Guide To Alcohol - Rowan Atkinson

Australia's Gun Control Program

Sepacore says...

This video contains disingenuous information. Those statistics are completely false.

@chingalera It's working a lot better than the current USA situation. Here's a few legitimate facts relating to the content in that video.

1. You can still buy guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns), just not the ridiculously unjustified mass human slaying variants.
2. It's better controlled with systems setup to decrease the chance of consistently unstable minds getting hold of guns of any type.
3. Gun homicides were increasing leading up to the gun control (1996), from that peak to now, it's about a 59% drop.
4. 1996-2006 about 65% drop in gun suicides.
5. Robberies involving guns dropped significantly.
6. There was no increase in home invasions.
7. In the 10 years leading up to the gun control there were 11 mass shootings.. since gun control went into affect, there have been 0.

Homicide weapon statistics (image): Guns vs Knives from 1989/90 to 2006/7
Quick answer: 50% drop for guns, 30% rise for knives

"A 2011 letter published in the British Medical Journal by Simon Chapman, a professor of public health from the University of Sydney, observed that the U.S. had 14.4 times the population of Australia but 141 times as as many deaths from firearms in 2008 as Australia and 238 times the rate of firearms-related homicide."
If the current ratio's are even remotely similar to this quote, then Americans can't say jack about the Australian statistics.

@charliem Good links mate.

Upvote for the 'Lies' tag.

Australia's Gun Control Program

charliem says...

Those figures are bogus. This video is a fucking total joke.
Ive got direct family members that have been in the police force since the early 70's....they are not shitkickers, so to speak.

Home intrustion in the period 1996 to 2006 had dropped in HALF (

In the period 1989 - 2010, gun related murders have MORE THAN HALVED.

FUCK the NRA, and FUCK this video. Nothing but propoganda.

Top Ten Awesome Lesser-Known Facts About Nintendo

Steve Martin Gilda Radner Tribute

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