Channel creation
Do you think it is a good idea to willfully make a videosift channel if you have absolutely no interest in moderating said channel ? Likewise, if you are not sticking around to take care of it.
is it okay to create a videosift channel knowing full well you ( theoretical owner ) are not going to fulfill the terms and conditions set forth in the Frequently asked questions area, regarding channel ownership and all it encompasses ?
it is a yes no question, no grey area here.
What are the duties of a channel owner?
A channel owner is essentially responsible for everything that goes on in their realm. Here are the basics:
Make sure the videos in your channel belong there
Keep an eye on Talk posts in your channel and make sure they are topic related
Try to be supportive of videos assigned to your channel
Encourage interaction among those Sifters who frequent your channel
If you are going to open end your channel like a length of cut garden hose, you are a joke to the community, and so is the channel.
Is this the first rhetorical poll?
I don't moderate my channel. The irony is that it's the "law" channel.
[edit] is that irony? I don't know, go fuck yourself...
It would be cool to have the ability to designate a co-owner of a channel. Someone who could share in the success and responsibilities that goes with the job.
In my Ruby-tinted fantasies, I create *Americuh or somesuch for all of the videos that highlight what's absurd, broken, or downright terrible about my great nation, but I'd have little interest in moderating it, since I can scarcely watch most of those types of videos. So, of course I deem it cool to "fire and forget".
I can see the argument that's essentially just creating a tag rather than a channel to be curated for the benefit of the Sift.
I do think that the "no gray area, yes or no" poll is pushing it, especially the way the question is worded. "Do you think it is a good idea to willfully..." is a very different question from, say, "Are there circumstances under which it would be acceptable to..."
I do like the idea of being able to appoint moderators for your channel, but anyone who is Silver Star or above can modify channel assignments anyway.
I was just curious of your opinions, I have mine and wanted to know yours.
If you are going to open end your channel like a length of cut garden hose, you are a joke to the community, and so is the channel. "
that definitely was directed at seltar, but I feel kinda dirty now for saying it. So, sorry @seltar your reply sure did indicate you didnt have an interest in taking care of the channel up to VS specs like that weiner @rottenseed admits
We have too many system channels I dont see the need to create more of them.
>> ^critical_d:
It would be cool to have the ability to designate a co-owner of a channel. Someone who could share in the success and responsibilities that goes with the job.
THAT SIR is a great idea.
I wonder from time to time whether a member ought to have been here for a certain amount of time before they get a channel, so that we have some assurance they mean to stay around for a while.
Time and again we see "grinders" who show up, ride a wave of nutshots and kittens to ruby in a month, and then burn out and never come back. We should avoid giving channels to these members.
I also think the moderator job should be "use it or lose it" and that channels that cannot function cleanly without an active moderator (viral, sexuality, terrible, cult, vintage, basically any channel that requires you to read the description) should be locked so they cannot be invoked or selected until a new moderator is selected. They could still be viewed and browsed, just no new content.
Or I guess we could keep doing what we've been doing, and treat channels as meaningless decorations that we display to the left of our video submissions.
Channels in general are a clusterfuck. I say tear it down and if so inclined start over with a new way of doing them! But thats just my opinion.
I'm not sure I see what all the fuss is about, though that may be because I don't really "use" the channels at all aside from ticking some boxes when I post a new Sift.
So what are the problems with a poorly-moderated channel?
- Incorrect channel assignments; Anyone Silver or above can correct those if it's egregious, and if no one Silver or above cares about a particular video's channel assignment, then is it really a problem? Is there any real benefit to "abusing" the channel assignments?
- Lack of content in the channel? Again, if there aren't enough users posting or tagging videos for a particular channel, perhaps it's not a big problem if the channel is quiet.
Are we irritated with how many checkboxes there are to sort through when posting?
Are we frustrated with the channel limit?
>> ^rottenseed:
I don't moderate my channel. The irony is that it's the "law" channel.
[edit] is that irony?
I think in this case, you're dead on:
"Irony deals with opposites; it has nothing to do with coincidence. If two baseball players from the same hometown, on different teams, receive the same uniform number, it is not ironic. It is a coincidence. If Barry Bonds attains lifetime statistics identical to his father’s it will not be ironic. It will be a coincidence. Irony is “a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was to be expected; a result opposite to and in mockery of the appropriate result.” For instance:
If a diabetic, on his way to buy insulin, is killed by a runaway truck, he is the victim of an accident. If the truck was delivering sugar, he is the victim of an oddly poetic coincidence. But if the truck was delivering insulin, ah! Then he is the victim of an irony.
If a Kurd, after surviving bloody battle with Saddam Hussein’s army and a long, difficult escape through the mountains, is crushed and killed by a parachute drop of humanitarian aid, that, my friend, is irony writ large.
Darryl Stingley, the pro football player, was paralyzed after a brutal hit by Jack Tatum. Now Darryl Stingley’s son plays football, and if the son should become paralyzed while playing, it will not be ironic. It will be coincidental. If Darryl Stingley’s son paralyzes someone else, that will be closer to ironic. If he paralyzes Jack Tatum’s son that will be precisely ironic."
- Baba Ram Carlin
I think I have an underlying problem with the process, it is too quick and painless to set up shop.
I forgot about 5.0 coming out, so maybe things will be different.
How was this promoted
if I didnt get a pointand I do not see anyone *promo te it or even siftbots snotty message. Confusion level is at 85 percent.I've never moderated my own channel and it doesn't seem any worse for ware. Though, if I noticed something out of whack, I'd probably fix it.
You're finding out the facts of life are all about you.
(Context free inside joke)
At least we are getting it out in the open eh people. Conversation is a good thing.
>> ^ReverendTed:
I'm not sure I see what all the fuss is about, though that may be because I don't really "use" the channels at all aside from ticking some boxes when I post a new Sift.
You should try it and you'll quickly see why it's a problem. Browse to a channel that sounds like it might be interesting and see how many videos would actually scratch that itch. Results will vary wildly depending on what you choose.
If drugs are your topic of choice, you may find yourself watching teletubbies today.
If human sexuality intrigues you, prepare to watch 2 cats have sex while a third dry humps them.
Does the far east fascinate you? You'll be sorting through every video that contains an Asian person. It could be a video of some guy who's lived in San Diego his entire life watching an NFL game, drinking a Budweiser, and eating a hot dog but if he's got an epicanthus, he's going in #asia.
Lots of people (most, if I had to guess) just don't care. But then why are we spending all this time cataloging videos if nobody gives a shit?
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. Let's either make a good effort to make channels valuable, or get rid of them altogether and just do this because it will be way less work.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I've never moderated my own channel and it doesn't seem any worse for ware. Though, if I noticed something out of whack, I'd probably fix it.
In fairness, your channel description pretty much allows for any interpretation of "dark". Such a broad take works there but could not work for all channels.
One of my few channel gripes is with the music channel. I believe it should only contain videos where music is either the subject of the video or very much in the forefront. I don't think videos that simply have background music should be there.
Sounds like we need a way to set "sarcasm" for channel assignments, too. I propose "lol", like so:
Teletubbies Vacuum Crazy Dance
Drugs, lol
Horrorshow, lol
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting No.
HAHA! That's awesome...I was correct on accident I suppose. Or I knew that all along...>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^rottenseed:
I don't moderate my channel. The irony is that it's the "law" channel.
[edit] is that irony?
I think in this case, you're dead on:
"Irony deals with opposites; it has nothing to do with coincidence. If two baseball players from the same hometown, on different teams, receive the same uniform number, it is not ironic. It is a coincidence. If Barry Bonds attains lifetime statistics identical to his father’s it will not be ironic. It will be a coincidence. Irony is “a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was to be expected; a result opposite to and in mockery of the appropriate result.” For instance:
If a diabetic, on his way to buy insulin, is killed by a runaway truck, he is the victim of an accident. If the truck was delivering sugar, he is the victim of an oddly poetic coincidence. But if the truck was delivering insulin, ah! Then he is the victim of an irony.
If a Kurd, after surviving bloody battle with Saddam Hussein’s army and a long, difficult escape through the mountains, is crushed and killed by a parachute drop of humanitarian aid, that, my friend, is irony writ large.
Darryl Stingley, the pro football player, was paralyzed after a brutal hit by Jack Tatum. Now Darryl Stingley’s son plays football, and if the son should become paralyzed while playing, it will not be ironic. It will be coincidental. If Darryl Stingley’s son paralyzes someone else, that will be closer to ironic. If he paralyzes Jack Tatum’s son that will be precisely ironic."
- Baba Ram Carlin
Oh I get it...*wink wink*
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
You're finding out the facts of life are all about you.
(Context free inside joke)
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