Cats: How does the Sift feel about our furry counterparts?

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A total of 61 votes have been cast on this poll.

A sift divided. I'd like to really know how we all feel about cats. They seem to have quite the foothold in our top video spots.
UsesProzac says...

Lots of cat lovers on the sift, and even one crazy obsessed cat person!!! No haters, yet. Interesting to see. I thought I'd see more indifferent votes.

Edit: And an off with their heads vote! How exciting polls are. Oh my.

dannym3141 says...

I would like to confess that i am the sole person who put hate. I understand that this opens me to various forms of cat related attack in the future, however i must explain myself.

I am violently allergic to cats. I don't want them to die, but i have been almost killed by a bunch of kittens that i couldn't resist playing with. I have a theory that they are silently conniving creatures that can sense cat allergies. It's a bit like "I am number four"; they're put here to kill those who display allergies, and you cat owners are oblivious to it. They draw us weaklings in by being adorable and then release all their catness at once to cause an allergy spike, killing the victim. Kittens can do it in packs, there is a pheremone signal of some kind and they all kitten it up at once. I got lucky and survived.

For the record, a dog is the ideal human companion. They deserve to live longer to reflect this partnership, but as the kid says.. they don't need as long as us to learn how to be good.

ant jokingly says...

>> ^UsesProzac:

Lots of cat lovers on the sift, and even one crazy obsessed cat person!!! No haters, yet. Interesting to see. I thought I'd see more indifferent votes.
Edit: And an off with their heads vote! How exciting polls are. Oh my.

So we have a cat lady on VS!

geo321 says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I would like to confess that i am the sole person who put hate. I understand that this opens me to various forms of cat related attack in the future, however i must explain myself.
I am violently allergic to cats. I don't want them to die, but i have been almost killed by a bunch of kittens that i couldn't resist playing with. I have a theory that they are silently conniving creatures that can sense cat allergies. It's a bit like "I am number four"; they're put here to kill those who display allergies, and you cat owners are oblivious to it. They draw us weaklings in by being adorable and then release all their catness at once to cause an allergy spike, killing the victim. Kittens can do it in packs, there is a pheremone signal of some kind and they all kitten it up at once. I got lucky and survived.
For the record, a dog is the ideal human companion. They deserve to live longer to reflect this partnership, but as the kid says.. they don't need as long as us to learn how to be good.


Lilithia says...

I don't hate cats, but it annoys me that everyone who owns a cat apparently has nothing else to do with his life than to capture every move their cat makes on video and upload it to YouTube. There is an excessive amount of cat videos and pictures on the Internet - some of them are really cute, but if you have seen the 10th video of a cat doing the exact same thing (mostly uninteresting things, like sitting in a bucket with vigorous inaction while looking cute) it just leads you to dislike cats. Anything that is used or shown to an excessive amount becomes annoying or boring with time. I don't have anything against the animals themselves, I sometimes even like to play with them, when I visit somebody who owns one or ten cats.

Issykitty says...

>> ^Lilithia:

I don't hate cats, but it annoys me that everyone who owns a cat apparently has nothing else to do with his life than to capture every move their cat makes on video and upload it to YouTube. There is an excessive amount of cat videos and pictures on the Internet - some of them are really cute, but if you have seen the 10th video of a cat doing the exact same thing (mostly uninteresting things, like sitting in a bucket with vigorous inaction while looking cute) it just leads you to dislike cats. Anything that is used or shown to an excessive amount becomes annoying or boring with time. I don't have anything against the animals themselves, I sometimes even like to play with them, when I visit somebody who owns one or ten cats.

You are gonna LOVE the new Kitty Kat Klub!

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Lilithia:

I don't hate cats, but it annoys me that everyone who owns a cat apparently has nothing else to do with his life than to capture every move their cat makes on video and upload it to YouTube. There is an excessive amount of cat videos and pictures on the Internet - some of them are really cute, but if you have seen the 10th video of a cat doing the exact same thing (mostly uninteresting things, like sitting in a bucket with vigorous inaction while looking cute) it just leads you to dislike cats. Anything that is used or shown to an excessive amount becomes annoying or boring with time. I don't have anything against the animals themselves, I sometimes even like to play with them, when I visit somebody who owns one or ten cats.

But woe betide anyone who owns between 2 and 9 cats!

Fletch says...

I love cats. It's the videos...

DFT wrote a tonque-in-cheek (I think) guide for cat videos in the cat puppet thread*, but I think it should be taken more seriously than it was meant. Cat videos of cats doing funny and interesting things are funny and interesting. "Look at this cat because it's a cat" videos are not.

Then again... I can somewhat relate to those who find any video with a cat in it worthy of an upvote and an "awwwwww". I'm a knife collector and there are gads of knife videos on YouTube that are nothing but other knife guys panning over their collections. I LOVE those videos. I think cat videos probably fall within a similar "to each his/her own" category, and I will no longer rip on them or downvote them.

*More accurately, the Sift Talk Blankfist sock puppet thread, not the cat in a sock video.

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