Updated: 1 decade 5 years 8 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,387
The musical stylings of Ween.

Ween performing Exactly Where I'm At on the Dave Letterman Show.
posted by Warren E. Hale
posted by blankfist
This song rocks. Live version here.
posted by winkler1
This is kind of cool! Apparently Ween decided to do a show on Public Access. I wish I knew more details. Anyone? Anyone?
posted by blankfist
"Even If You Don't" directed by Matt Stone & Trey Parker of "South Park". I'm goin' crazy - trying to keep you sane Taking my prescriptions, and forging my name I was happy this morning You finally... continue reading
posted by winkler1
Starts slow...gets rolling around :45. Ween-Tear for Eddie Live. This song is a tribute to the late pfunk guitar player Eddie Hazel.
posted by winkler1
Great video by Ween.
posted by daxgaz
"This is a music video for a very short song by Ween. It features LEGO's Orient Adventure characters in a helter skelter race against time to locate their missing dairy produce." - youtube
posted by daxgaz
From Youtube: "This is one of my favorite tv clips of us. "Pure guava" was still a new record and we had just written this song. I think this is one of our last performances as a duo. This was filmed early... continue reading
posted by blankfist
in the liner notes in The Pod, ween attributes creative inspiration for their album to huffing cans of the 3m waterproofing product.....Scotch Guard!
posted by choggie
the mighty Ween..great live band.
posted by winkler1
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