Top Videos of 2012
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 2 months 1 week ago
Views: 1,481
These are the 100 videos that were submitted and received the most votes during the year of 2012.

YouTube Description: "The test was performed with a box of camp waste (largely food rests) in a bin bag. Estimated weight 30kg, Size 60x60x60cm. Fall height, about 80m. The lake reacts with violent... continue reading
posted by mintbbb
Is anyone surprised?? ... Shamus the dog can't decide =o/
posted by PlayhousePals

A clip from The Newsroom
posted by eric3579

So funny and yet very sweet at the same time. There's a lesson to be learned here.
posted by pumkinandstorm
Gary Oldman would like a polite word in your ear if you're a sportsperson thinking of going into film.
posted by alien_concept
BuzzFeed: There’s nothing like an honest reporter who cuts right to the heart of the matter.
posted by mintbbb
Yep. Done for the day.
posted by Stu
Ok Sifters....I know it may be difficult to do, but please watch to the end before being too judgmental of me. NSFW for content & swearing and I'll be DUMBSTRUCK if it ain't a dupe.
posted by Barseps
posted by Hybrid
What's the tallest THING we've ever built? How tall will we EVER be able to build?
posted by pumkinandstorm
YouTube Description: There's no such thing as a free ride.
posted by Zifnab
YouTube Description: 5 common misconceptions about history debunked.*
posted by Zifnab
I searched for original source and Google gave me 'Tone Matrix' by Andre Michelle (http://void.andre-michelle.com/) - Click on the dots to start making your own fantastic rhythm. - Share your finished... continue reading
posted by legacy0100
I love her videos.
posted by pumkinandstorm
(youtube) Bill thinks the late Apple founder was a credit-stealing non-inventor.
posted by pumkinandstorm
The debate has finally been settled
posted by eric3579
"Colbert's hilarious response to Trump's $5 Million offer to Obama" - YouTube
posted by Hybrid