Money & Economics
Updated: 6 years 6 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,289
Videos about money, economics and finances.
(Started before the <a href="http://money.videosift.com/">money</a> channel was added to the sift.)

Taxpayer Bill of Rights. All tax increases must be approved by referendum, what could possibly go wrong.
posted by nanrod
"Cities want football teams. Owners want stadiums. ... In the past 20 years, over $7 billion in public money has gone towards financing the construction and renovation of NFL football stadiums. Owners... continue reading
posted by ant
Correction: At 2:17 the graph should read "Total US Spending" and not "US government spending."
posted by Mordhaus
Infuriating [E!] YouTube: The US has a problem with income inequality. The current tax code makes it worse.
posted by PlayhousePals
"I'll have to put my underwear in my pockets." YouTube: Big businesses are getting even bigger thanks to a rise in corporate mergers. John Oliver explains why that could make you want to physically... continue reading
posted by PlayhousePals
I pay off my card every month [they must hate me] YouTube: If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to sell your soul and never get it back, just open up a credit card.
posted by PlayhousePals

Lots of words. But at least here are the facts for a change.
posted by Gale Wallis
Former Wells Fargo Employee. "It's not our fault" http://fortune.com/2016/09/19/former-wells-fargo-employees-to-ceo-john-stumpf-its-not-our-fault/
posted by eric3579
YouTube description: Mall santa, carny, and CEO: How Homer Simpson’s jobs represent America. Here's the full article and list of jobs: http://www.vox.com/2016/9/6/12752476/the-simpsons-homer-middle-class ... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
YouTube Description: Jim Simons was a mathematician and cryptographer who realized: the complex math he used to break codes could help explain patterns in the world of finance. Billions later, he’s... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark

Is Inequality Growing? In a magical land inhabited by long lashed, multi-colored Alpacas who love lollipops, rainbows and friendship, there's a yawning divide in wealth distribution…what's behind the inequality gap? ... continue reading
posted by RFlagg
Elizabeth Warren is such a tenacious, brilliant and seemingly genuine person. I really hope she runs for president.
posted by EvilDeathBee
ARTE description: "Taxation, tax avoidance, tax EVASION... the word is out! Tax Evasion the great scandal of the beginning of the 21st century. How can companies like Google, Amazon or Colgate... continue reading
posted by radx
Money as trust: Historical financial mistakes, the evolution of currency, and much more. Part 1 of a two part series.
posted by fissionchips
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvdjFDryx0A In contrast to workers and homeowners, banks fully recover from the financial crisis.
posted by Joe Motion
(youtube) Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not... continue reading
posted by pumkinandstorm
Six universal principals of influence that guide human behavior
posted by eric3579