Now That's Just Funny
Updated: 8 years 7 months 1 week ago
Views: 15,987

"... Two studio execs battle to have the best movie featuring a hero punching a vehicle and having the vehicle flip over them! Who will win!? ..."
posted by ant

Give them an A for effort.
posted by eric3579
YouTube Description: this happens. oh well (H/T @eric3579)
posted by Aard Vark
YouTube: Trevor Moore, a founding member of the Whitest Kids U'Know, sings about the tragic tale of a loving couple who tried to do something nice on the Internet.
posted by PlayhousePals
Driving through the Olympic Game Farm, feeding the animals and a buffalo gets a little too friendly. -yt
posted by eric3579
So, I guess that's a no then?
posted by blackfox42

I love how all the other turkeys responded ... the talk of of flock!
posted by PlayhousePals
The plan, put on a crush proof homemade suit, shower in pigs blood, and get eaten by an anaconda. What could go wrong?
posted by newtboy
From http://www.reddit.com/r/youtubehaiku/comments/2jitvi/oh_my_god/ and https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=988281811219009 ...
posted by ant
No summary necessary, except the women seemed to enjoy it.
posted by Daldain
For those who have cats, and a sense of humor... this is my cat, Cali. I love her dearly, but sometimes she is a shitty kitty and a cat-astrophe. -yt
posted by eric3579
My dick is so big...
posted by notarobot

Scene from HBO show Silicon Valley.
posted by eric3579
"Seeking a more humane method of carrying out capital punishment, Ohio’s new machine yanks inmates heads from their bodies using painless, powerful robotic claws." --ONN LMFAHS
posted by lucky760
The actual windows on a house, not the software. Looks like these came with a free anti-burglar protection… (dailypicks)
posted by mintbbb