Gag Reels / Bloopers / Outtakes
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 5 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 831

A certain local news station picked up on the new Krispy Kreme wheat-donut story, however it looks like they don't exactly have an eagle-eyed production staff in the newsroom when you look at the on screen... continue reading
posted by mlx

posted by grspec
I guess "Smart Connection" Jumper Cables require you to be smarter than the jumper cable.
posted by Fletch
Caller asks about podcasting, and the host types in 'postcast' to come to a less-than-desirable website.
posted by MarineGunrock
Oh so perfect.
posted by deedub81

He´s looking back like "Where did she go???"
posted by maatc
In light of Vesa Toskala's recent goof, I thought it only fair to show these cringers. His only ranks as 3rd worst.... continue reading
posted by bigbikeman
Truly ironic news gaffe.
posted by jonny

Sue Simmons accidentally drops the F-bomb during a commercial break.
posted by dotdude