Gag Reels / Bloopers / Outtakes
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 5 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 831

Son of a a bi-bi-
posted by winkler1

What could be better than combining crashes of all sorts with whose line is it anyway?
posted by Oatmeal

You tube description: The infamous Countdown out-take from 1991. In a letters round, contestants Gino Corr and Lawrence Pearse both declare the same 7 letter word.
posted by lunkwill

In this clip, a dating loser visibly breaks down on camera
posted by prisonpanda
Olivia Munn, the super hot host of G4s Attack of the Show, makes a really funny mistake when reading the teleprompter.
posted by Zifnab
A serious WTF?
posted by silvercord
Sometimes it seems like they did not get along. Does this video count as a dupe of this submission? http://www.videosift.com/video/Ebert-tells-Siskel-what-he-really-thinks-about-him It's longer.... continue reading
posted by mjasonprickett
This is from the 7/18/06 Fox 6 Wakeup News in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prior to this, they were reading viewer e-mails about which kind of weather they prefer: hot or cold. The sound effects were in the newscast.... continue reading
posted by Zifnab
You knew it wouldn't be long before a parody was made about Tom Cruise's instantly infamous Scientology recruitment video.
posted by kronosposeidon
In case you've missed it, Sam & Max is back in production. So far, season one is finished, which is 6 episodes and total about the same length as the original (Hit the Road). Season two is currently... continue reading
posted by Aemaeth