Muda Erf
Updated: 1 decade 4 years 8 months 1 week ago
Views: 86

Lion attacks Zebra, Zebra fights back by almost drowning Lion. Zebra:1 Lion:0
posted by iwastheturkey
I love the ending with the snow melt, Very much yes, a great match to the music!
posted by Peroxide
"CCTV time lapse.Toga Gawa,Japan,July 26/08:This time lapse video shows how the calm of a river can turn into a raging one in a short a little under an hour." -LiveLeak Via: ScrapeUp... continue reading
posted by lucky760

Leopards like to be left alone... unless, of course, it's mating season. Rawr!
posted by Issykitty
Similar to this sift, but without people talking over it. From YT: Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by anyone who might be listening, astronomers have... continue reading
posted by srd
Sept 8., 2008: Letterman goes awesome and all sorts of doomer on global warming. He even slips in a peak oil comment. Something is hinky.
posted by 12028
"Bambi hearts Thumper" From http://www.neatorama.com/2008/09/19/bambi-and-thumper/
posted by ant
Cool excerpt from BBC about Yunan and the odd inhabitant, the Snub-nosed Monkey
posted by rottenseed
Besides Russia, Sarah Palin might also see bald eagles from her front door. Right before she shoots them.
posted by kronosposeidon
Increasing human fatalities from tiger attacks lead villagers to try new tactics to outsmart the felines.
posted by Issykitty
from barcapulita on YT: From a documentary shot in the most remote regions of Irian Jaya by Carlo Auriemma & Elisabetta Eordegh. To know more: www.barcapulita.org
posted by Issykitty
from YT: It's not a fish. It's a worm. A "Fat Innkeeper Worm" to be exact. http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/living_species/default.asp?hOri=1&inhab=136
posted by Issykitty
An ambient Videosift exclusive (well, almost) from youdiejoe.
posted by fissionchips
"You can hear the seals call and it's the most amazing sound. They make these really inorganic sounds... it's really out of this world". The otherworldly electronic-sounding calls of seals recorded... continue reading
posted by plastiquemonkey
Nature is horrific. This species of Wasps inject caterpillars with larvae eggs, that hatch and devour the pray from inside. Later on they infect their hosts brain with a virus, making it into a kind... continue reading
posted by doomsayer 1 decade 5 years 10 months 2 weeks ago • 6,807 viewsA rare phenomenon usually only seen in extremely cold countries, scientists generally accept that Ice Circles are formed when surface ice gathers in the center of a body of water rather than the edges.... continue reading
posted by ponceleon
Early this morning, nearly a million New Yorkers were stunned by the appearance of a "special edition" New York Post blaring headlines that their city could face deadly heat waves, extreme flooding, and... continue reading
posted by EDD
I'm not sure if I should tag this NSFW or not. It's quite the private moment.
posted by chtierna
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