Cartoon Classics
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 1 month 1 week ago
Views: 1,877
A collection of all the animated greats.

From Wikipedia: The Butter Battle Book is a rhyming story written by Dr. Seuss. It was published by Random House Books for Young Readers on January 12, 1984. It is an anti-war story; specifically, a parable... continue reading
posted by guessandcheck
The entire classic Christmas cartoon, featuring Boris Karloff and Thurl Ravenscroft. It was based on Dr. Seuss's famous story and created by Chuck Jones.
posted by Fjnbk
Chuck Jones obviously made a lot of really great cartoons, but I think that this is his best (it's probably my favourite animated short of all time). I love everything about this cartoon -- the highlight... continue reading
posted by Sarzy
Classic Looney Tunes at their best. I. Freling directs this high-seas version of the classic stand off between Bugs and Yosemite Sam.
posted by djsunkid
The music is Godspeed You Black Emperor! playing one of their best songs, Kicking horse on broken hill. The video is an old "banned" cartoon from disney, about WW2, called The Spirit of 43, a very... continue reading
posted by NeuralNoise
Alice is lifted from her normal surroundings in this electronic piece composed using sounds recorded from the Disney film 'Alice In Wonderland'. Click through to Youtube for mp3 link.
posted by fissionchips

Words can't describe how utterly EVIL this version is ^_^
posted by darkrowan
Every single Simpsons Couch Gag since season one. I don't know how recent it is, but it was uploaded to YouTube just 3 weeks ago.
posted by pierrekrahn

from milkandcookies: Pinky and the Brain try to recreate Orson Welles "Battle of the World" and scare the public into submission so that they can "try to take over the world."
posted by Kulpims T'dna
From the original Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends, a Boris & Natasha montage.
posted by iwastheturkey
Cartoon historian Jerry beck discusses a cartoon in which it appears that Bosko (an early Looney Tunes character) says: "The dirty fuck!"
posted by Sarzy

From 1974, Sesame Street introduces kids to great music.
posted by silvercord
"Water, Water, Every Hare" is the title. Bugs and the Evil Scientist have their famous stoned chase scene AND our heroic hare gets to play beautician to the monster too. Something for everyone. Bobby... continue reading
posted by kronosposeidon
Classic scene - I know I got nightmares from it. Who else?
posted by MarineGunrock
Peter and the Wolf as I remember it when I was a kid in school. Cool and scary! Totally made awesome by the use of instruments to represent the characters. (Edited to embed parts 1 and 2 together... continue reading
posted by fdisk 1 decade 7 years 4 months 1 week ago • 13,566 views