cultural blender
Updated: 7 years 9 months ago
Views: 12,847
visual media and access to technology has given people who love:movies,music and television an opportunity to create amazing videos and songs by using the very things they love and wish to share with the rest of the world.this is my ongoing collection of such material.

y/t: They're here. http://huvrtech.com
posted by fuzzyundies
(youtube) A young girl's life gets turned upside-down in this tragic second a day video. Could this ever happen in the UK? This is what war does to children.
posted by pumkinandstorm
"A Wolf of Wall Street trailer parody starring everyone's favorite Klingon." From http://www.dorkly.com/embed/59881/the-worf-of-starfleet ...
posted by ant

"... 30 years have passed since Bruce Wayne survived Skynet's nuclear blasts in August of '97. Iron demons now roam the planet, and without the requirement to defend the innocent against crime and injustice,... continue reading
posted by ant
Probably going to Hell for posting this seeing Davey Jones just died, but whatever...
posted by SuperChikan 1 decade 3 years 1 week ago • 1,210 views • 3:41"A party ain't a party without Brobocop! ..."
posted by ant
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Out of Frequency - Chrysalis - Denmark psychedelic pop - released January 2012
posted by Januari
For most kids in high school, the future promises better days. But for a certain group, there’s no time like the past.
posted by wormwood
From YT: Take a trip to a world rich in spice...David Lynch's science fiction cult classic is given the Super-Swede sendup by Monkey with a Mustache!
posted by atara
This is so good to watch as I really, really enjoyed this movie and I love how passionate he is about what he wants from movie making. Ryan Gosling talks about how he had them fall asleep on set, with... continue reading
posted by alien_concept
virgin denim
posted by Mordhaus
The Authority.
posted by alien_concept

One of my guilty pleasures, waiting for the newest yearly mashup from Dj Earworm. And let me say, he's reeeeealy early this year o_O
posted by darkrowan
(youtube) The story of controversial Toronto mayor Rob Ford is brought to life in a new biopic starring the late Chris Farley. The film details his battles with alcohol, drugs, and the city he was elected... continue reading
posted by pumkinandstorm
Instagram is an incredible resource for all kinds of images. I wanted to create structure out of this chaos. The result is a crowd source short-film that shows the endless possibilities of social media. ... continue reading
posted by braschlosan
Vimeo description: The collage artist makes us question the worth of taking something at face value. More on http://theavantgardediaries.com Directed & Produced by Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott / Cinematography... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
I was a real perfectionist on these ... frustration personified!
posted by PlayhousePals