Keenan Maynard James

Created: 1 decade 4 years 8 months 1 week ago
Updated: 9 years 8 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 5,937

keenan maynard james and everything tool-perfect circle and puscifier.

danny lohner (formerly of NIN) creates what is in my opnion the best remix of perfect circles 'judith" off their debut album mons de mon. this video is done in claymation by one adoring fan which keeps... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 2 years 7 months 2 weeks ago • 1,737 views • 3:19

Rock band Tool's Vicarious video with Alex Gray's animation, set to the words by author, Stuart Wilde, musick by G.O.D.'s other DeviL. (The video describes the tendencies of the human ego and why true... continue reading

posted by Trancecoach 1 decade 6 years 5 months 2 weeks ago • 3,024 views

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