Best of the Craft
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 7 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,806
Place the experts, virtuosi, here-send a message. for your suggestions are welcome-

Another go....
posted by choggie

At the time I first saw this, I found it astoundingly titillating.
posted by oxdottir
Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set) in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry. This show relates the science of the... continue reading
posted by choggie
Bassist for Sly and the Family Stone for their run, on his own with Graham Central Station, How-To here, as he runs down a solid 10 minute melee of groovy funk, God thank em' for filming it...
posted by choggie
In 1986, Frank Zappa appeared on CNN's Crossfire to discuss rock lyrics and censorship. He made a name for himself as a political force to be reckoned with after this terse segment.
posted by LadyBug
R.I.P. Albert Hoffman, aged 102.
posted by garmachi
Kinski flipping out on the set of "Fitzcarraldo". (with subtitles) He sure was intense! - only NSFW in german - Scene from the great documentary: "My best fiend: Klaus Kinski" The Fitzcarraldo... continue reading
posted by maatc

The tragic news in Boliva as that country splits apart...This segment shows how the CIA used assassins to pave the way for exploitation by American corporations.
posted by marinara
Watching this made me never want to try doing origami ever again, just because it makes my feeble attempts look utterly pathetic.
posted by HaricotVert
Seriously, this is Unbelievable. the things, you say...
posted by sometimes
[From Wikipedia] In the fall of 1979, [lead singer for Dead Kennedys Jello] Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco as a prank, using the Jello ad campaign catchphrase, "There's always room for Jello",... continue reading
posted by Spiff
Mycologist Paul Stamets studies the mycelium -- and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world (and no, none involve human ingestion).
posted by Trancecoach
Ham, also known as Ham the Chimp and Ham the Astrochimp, was the first hominid launched into outer space.
posted by ashes2flames 1 decade 6 years 9 months 3 weeks ago • 2,497 viewshttp://www.mahalo.com/Alex_Trebek
posted by Fedquip
One of the all-time greats, here's his obit on IMDB http://www.imdb.com/news/ni0242561/ youdiejoe has one up as well- http://www.videosift.com/video/RIP-Harvey-Korman "Now... go do, that voodoo, that... continue reading
posted by choggie

"Bucky had it right. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” That’s why we’re awarding a $100,000... continue reading
posted by laura