Love That Movie
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 1 week ago
Views: 18,905

In this scene from Taxi Driver (1976), Robert Deniro as Travis Bickle explains how "someday a real rain will wash the scum off the streets."
posted by pigeon
From the 1979 Monty Python film, "Life of Brian". Brian ends up preaching among other religious fanatics in order to escape the Roman authorities. (From YouTube)
posted by Zifnab
Italian racism has never been so funny.
posted by blahpook
Tyler Durden's speech about our generation. "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we dont need"
posted by Zifnab
"Blame Canada" is an Academy Award nominated song from the film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (by Trey Parker & Marc Shaiman). In the song, the fictional parents of South Park, led by Sheila Broflovski,... continue reading
posted by Zifnab
From 1993, directed by Tony Scott, written by Quentin Tarantino, True Romance stars Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette with an ensemble cast; the film contains notable performances by some seasoned... continue reading
posted by Issykitty
51 second clip from Team America.
posted by 8217

because when priests are giving communion, and have to say "This is the Body of Christ" over and over again, it gets mumbled over time and begins to sound like...
posted by my15minutes
Batman breaks out the tumbler to rescue Rachel.
posted by Zifnab
Warning: Not safe for work or lunchtime! :P Funny line from one of many violent and wince-inducing Fight Club movie scenes. Tyler Durden's insane laughter cracks me up, though.
posted by Issykitty
This is an awesome scene by an awesome director from an awesome movie. It's awesome x 3!
posted by Sarzy
From Wikipedia: Death Proof is a 2007 film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, about a psychopathic stunt man who targets young women, murdering them with his "death proof" stunt car. The film,... continue reading
posted by fozi999
This film represents one of the most disturbing and effective mixes of dark and comedic elements I've ever seen. Here's one of the film's best scenes - it pretty much sets up the rest of the movie.
posted by blahpook

Classic. Do cadences count as music?
posted by RhesusMonk
One of my favs parts of the movie
posted by LadyDeath

This... is a chemical burn.
posted by garmachi