Everyday Freak Show
Updated: 4 years 4 months ago
Views: 7,132
You are already going to hell anyway, so why not enjoy the spectacle that is humanity? This is a place where you can witness, and often laugh at, people who just aren't right in the head. Schadenfreude galore, with only a hint of guilt!

Love the pencil horns!
posted by PlayhousePals
Lady celebrating her 102nd birthday suffers a mishap blowing out her candles
posted by blackfox42

Ah siblings ... so fun to torture.
posted by PlayhousePals

from YT: "Peaches, a Moluccan Cockatoo, was previously owned by a couple that had divorced. There must have been some heated arguments, as Peaches now mimics a couple arguing, even dramatically moving... continue reading
posted by Hastur
Mouse trap Jenga
posted by newtboy
A man robbing a music store with a knife suddenly decides to play dead when the owner pulls a gun
posted by blackfox42
Quite the transformation I must say! YouTube: Man almost dies trying to down a bottle of Hennessey.
posted by PlayhousePals
Getting stuck in an elevator sucks....but just know it could always be worse!
posted by newtboy

From YT: no description available.
posted by pierrekrahn
"Don't make me assume my ultimate form!" Video was made by are very own @hamsteralliance
posted by eric3579
posted by blankfist
May we assume that vodka played a role in this tomfoolery?
posted by PlayhousePals
Woman confronts postal worker and accuses him of stalking her.
posted by pumkinandstorm
Fat guy walks by in his pajamas with no mask on, gets caught on cam, walks back, throws a rock at the glass, fails, runs away, falls, runs away again.
posted by cdimetry
Prancercise: A Fitness Workout. W. T. F.
posted by RedundantAgain
Fantastic musical performance. Must be heard.
posted by Brian Houston