Hail to the absurd!
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 11 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 1,925
For the little things that turn your head upside down, alter your view of humanity for better or worse, or just make you go "Huh?".

I don't know why this is so funny to me but it is. Lot funnier than what the title suggests.
posted by sfarias40k
A woodsman's frantic journey, driven by happiness, slaughter, and a confrontation with America's God.-vimeo
posted by geo321
...and after watching this, you will also be afraid!!
posted by Paul Richey
Super-short film
posted by geo321
An apple creates some strangeness from within. Animation by Erick Oh. (I've watched this 5 times, and I still don't think I caught everything.)
posted by AdrianBlack
Warning: may contain traces of goats.
posted by Lithic 1 decade 3 years 6 months 2 weeks ago • 1,883 views • 3:10thats a big whiskey tango foxtrot....over....
posted by bleedmegood

posted by eric3579

This just baffles me, despite seeing far weirder thing on the net over the years.
posted by kasinator
Another wtf animation by David Firth. Of course, nothing at all to do with soup...much.
posted by AdrianBlack
It's amazing what can happen in 8 seconds. Animated by Bishoy Gendi, Michael Gendi and Jonathan Harris.
posted by AdrianBlack
This was approximately my reaction too when I moved here.
posted by Ornthoron
Cyriak's short collection of wierd clips for adult swim.
posted by geo321

via Reddit
posted by Brian Houston