Indigenous people
Updated: 1 decade 4 years 8 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 383
A list of videos about or related to indigenous people(s)

Expect Resistance.
posted by Throbbin
I've tried my hand at this, but I was born without any artistic ability so it sucked. It's amazing what people can create from a piece of stone.
posted by Throbbin
William Elk narrates a powerful scene from the movie The Business of Fancydancing which was written and directed by Sherman Alexie.
posted by JesseoftheNorth
posted by Eklek
IMDB Profile "...they are so crude, they do not know how to lie."
posted by Throbbin
Jesse Frankson - an Alaskan Inuit (Eskimo) holds the world record for the One-Foot High Kick. He beat Micheal Blanks, Billy Blanks younger brother, to achieve the world record height of 9 feet 8 inches. ... continue reading
posted by Throbbin
Wade Davis, author of The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World, contrasts Western perception of the Inuit as "savages" with the endless inventiveness he sees in their way of life.... continue reading
posted by eric3579
Sarasota, Fla. USA - Our history books may be wrong. Archaeologists have found signs of stone-age humans who were not supposed to exist in Florida's Little Salt Springs
posted by Sagemind
Inutuulunga = By Myself Check out Taimas website.
posted by Throbbin
An unnamed song I came across on youtube. I find it beautiful, and you might too. It sounds nice even if you don't understand the language.
posted by Throbbin
Atanarjuat was the world's first Inuktitut-language feature film. It won Golden Camera at Cannes, Best Canadian Feature Film at TIFF, and was listed by TIFF as one of the 10 best Canadian films of all time. ... continue reading
posted by Throbbin
The spirits are strong with this one.
posted by demon_ix
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide. Award-winning documentary film on Canada's Dirty Secret (Best Director of an International Documentary Film, New York Independent Film and Video Festival,... continue reading
posted by EndAll
Dozens of people have been killed in clashes between indigenous people and police in Peru.
posted by Eklek
A animation done in sand from 1974 by the National Film Board of Canada. The NFB description "In this Inuit legend it is plausible enough that a goose should capture the fancy of an owl and that the... continue reading
posted by Lumm
from NationalGeographic on YT: The story of the discovery of the world's most complete baby mammoth, as told by the man who found her.
posted by Issykitty
The classic Underground Resistance techno cut 'Jaguar' set to a scene from the movie 'Apocalypto'.
posted by paul4dirt
Have you ever wanted to experience a dog-sled ride in the Arctic? This is footage taken in Canada's newest territory - Nunavut. It sounds very noisy only because of the wind blowing against the... continue reading
posted by Throbbin
I wanted to find something about the Piraha language, a language that can be sung, whistled and includes rasberry noises. It has no numbers higher than two, the only time (tense?) is the present, and it... continue reading
posted by lavoll