Science - It works Bitches
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 3 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 968
Title inspired by this comic http://xkcd.com/54/. Any video showing evidence for a scientific theory. Suggestions welcome.

A fascinating clip from a television show I'm not familiar with (Liam Neeson narrates), it shows some of the fossil evidence we've found linking modern whales to an ancient species of land mammal similar... continue reading
posted by Raigen
When the genome of the chimpanzee was published it shed some light on human evolution and our relationship with chimpanzee. In the video below Ken Miller explains how chimp chromosome #13 not only proves... continue reading
posted by Zifnab
The fossil remains of a nearly complete Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi were found in Brazil and provides paleontologists with a link between primitive crocodiles and modern crocs.
posted by Crosswords

Short video explaining one way DNA can be used to prove the predictions made by evolution.
posted by 10835
How did it all begin? The self-assembly of organic molecules and the origin of cellular life explained by dr. David Deamer, a member of the Chemistry and Biology faculties at the University of California,... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
Simple video disproving the creationist claims that the eye is to complex to evolved.
posted by 10835
The most important part of the evidence for the big bang. Known laws of physics combined with the rapid uniform expansion of the universe imply the universe was very small in the distant past, which implies... continue reading
posted by jwray

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