
Member Profile

Birthdate: November 27th, 1989 (34 years old)
A little about me...
I am from Soviet Union. I live in Sputnik. My activity as child was picking potato bugs off potato plants. In Russia there is no sarcasm. I also enjoy meat.

Member Since: January 18, 2009
Favorite Sift: Tiny Piggy Adventures
Last Power Points used: June 3, 2010
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Comments to yourhydra

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 50 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

Drax says...

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
have u read this?

Having looked at it, I'm pretty sure I read this very site about 2 - 3 years back when it looked more like a standard web page. I remember having read at the same time that Mark Laidlaw had reviewed it and he stated that they nailed most of the details, but not quite 100%.

It's one of my favorite elements of the half-life games - that the narrative happens mostly around you, not spoon fed to you. You experience it as if it's actually you caught up in the events, never cutting away to something you wouldn't be able to perceive. They cheat a little bit with the introduction of Alyx as she tends to point things out and go, 'Hey, that's happening because of this!', but not overly so.

It's like with some of the electronic music I listen to, there's more layers you can attempt to unravel each time you play/listen to it.

Thank you for the link. : )

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