xxovercastxx US

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Birthdate: November 22nd, 1978 (46 years old)

Member Since: February 23, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 16, 2012
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Comments to xxovercastxx

gwiz665 says...

You may be right. Looking at his comment history is not particularly encouraging though. I've considered the ban before, but I've never felt I had enough grounds to do it apart from a few incidents; the latest was just the last straw.

He's welcome to appeal to dag or lucky if he feels so inclined - that in itself would show an interest in being part of the community instead of just a youtube douchebag.

xxovercastxx said:

I'm not sure being a douche is a banable offense. We've all have those sorts of days.

PlayhousePals says...

Regarding timeshift ... I noticed it most when the gal is singing background [kinda of jerks around] and/or the fact that the separately filmed segments are interspersed. I could be wrong in the designation. My apologies if I am

xxovercastxx said:

Where's that? I'm not seeing it.

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 6 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

oritteropo says...

The latin pronunciation of the word would indeed be ow dee oh, meaning to hear or to listen to... it would certainly start ow, actually I'm not 100% sure of the last sound (which is missing in the car name anyway).

Correct or not for a German company, it is the latin pronunciation of a latin word which leads to the situation you are complaining about.

xxovercastxx said:

In the US, most people say "ow dee" but in Germany it's "aw dee". It's Latin for "Listen" and shares it's roots with "audio" which makes me think "aw dee" is correct. I've never heard anyone say "ow dee oh".

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