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Member Since: August 19, 2006
Last Power Points used: April 23, 2011
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silvercord says...

Avast me mateys! Deputy the Scurvy Dog and his crew have shot across the bow. They suppose the top spot is theirs by right (the bilge rats). Aye, but it's time to hang 'em out to dry on the yardarm. C'mon me hearties and fight like the Rock 'n' Roll pirates ye be! 500 posts is just across the bay and the top spot, by God, can be had if the ship bands together, posts and votes. Summers are made for sailin' the fair seas and pillagin' and most of all ROCK AND ROLL! So, hoist the Jolly Roger and sail with the tide.

Ahoy, Mates!
Zifnab! Swampgirl! Michie! Koshmar! Arrendek! Winkler! Sometimes! Grspec! Choggie! Lisacat! Raven! Sbchapm! Firefly! Bizinichi! Calvados! Farhad! Bicyclerepairman! Deano! Spiff! Intangiblemeg! Dotdude! Krupo! Redthing! Benjee! Deathcow! Woland! Eric3579! Thedeusmachine! Lurgee! Maudlin! Eden! Vidimeister! Gwaan! James Roe! Fletch! Pigeon! Ladybug! Youdiejoe! Gorgonheap! Rembar! Lunkwill! Wumpus! NordlichReiter! Constitutional_Patriot! Looris! NickyP! Lucky760! Wildmanbill! SilentPoet! Megaweapon! Waxwing_slain! Bamdrew! JAPR! Doremifa! Omnithrope! Superganja23! Fedquip! Anea! Lucasgreen! Marinara! Fastfret79! Dog! Coupland! Oohahh! Pyrex! Pho3n1x! Swinginpagan! Joedirt! Dag! Plastiquemonkey!

Sail ye sea beasts! Sail! Hail to Cap'n MLX and bow to none! ARRRRR!

swampgirl says...

I know what graven means, it was a joke!

In reply to your comment:
I'll never submit to the oppressive forces of avatarization!
also, the "graven" in "graven image" means "carved or engraved". One of those things that people recite without often knowing what it means. Essentially, statues, carvings, and engravings make YHVH mad.

eric3579 says...

As you may know Ive created a playlist of many of the dead videos on the sift. As its been there for awhile, and there have been quite a few views of it, very few vids have been fixed or discarded. I thought a list just of yours might be of some help. The list below are all your videos on my playlist. There may be a few errors, but I gave it my best shot.

choggie says...

hey...just thought I'd give you a rewind heads-up, to the funniest thing I have read in a long time, written by you.....
I want it on a t-shirt...

"Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls."

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