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Member Since: April 5, 2007
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Comments to sharkie

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 16 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Octopussy says...

I saw a few of them (we were really lucky) last year at the Galapagos and they're indeed incredible (like a bus going by u/w).

Btw, don't tell anybody, but -- so far -- I've never managed to get a crab drunk, so my avatar is not my own pic either.

So what is the coolest creature you did have a close encounter with (and do you have pics)?

In reply to this comment by sharkie:
It's actually not my pic, sadly. As a diver I have seen a lot of cool creatures, but I am absolutely dying to see one of these myself!

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
Is that avatar your own pic? If so, it's mighty impressive: where did you take it? If not, why did you choose a whale shark (asks Octopussy who has the lamest avatar evar)?

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