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Channel: Religion

Member Since: August 11, 2006
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Comments to jimnms

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to keeping VideoSift clear of duplicate videos has earned you your "Super Duper" Level 6 Badge!

BoneRemake says...

Here there is a valid and very much apparent difference in price, Manual transmissions are less expensive. Do you understand what happens to the engine when you pop the clutch ? granted it may not work with a completely dead battery but with one that will light up the interior lights you should be good to push start one, all it takes is two or three good cylinder fires and you got an engine thats started and running off the alternator.

That method of starting has saved my ass so many times in the past I am still grateful.

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Are you talking about manual transmissions? Most American cars come "standard" with an auto trans, and sometimes charge extra for a manual. I also doubt push starting a modern car with electronic fuel injection and computer controlled everything would work.

>> ^BoneRemake:

Good ol' standards, it is for this reason alone I would buy my next vehicle as a standard.
Battery not charged?
starter screwed ?
give it a push and on your way.
not to mention the general thousand dollar difference between the two transmissions.

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