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been reading your comments for more than a year and although to me your usual religious irony shtick is getting a little old, this comment of yours was a gem of sardonic brilliance
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
You can't wear magic-mormon-underwear if you are wearing a bikini. So thus their reason. No one can remove their magic underwear, otherwise god will ZAP THE HEATHEN DEAD... with his magic sparkly fingers!
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Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Sounds like you're involved in some pretty interesting circles!
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
Yes, a really nice guy. His talk was quite 'out there' by most standards, but a man of his stature most definitely has the right to go out on a limb with ideas that challenge the establishment and help foster alternative ways of thinking. If you check the twitter for 'exoplanetology.org', they have a pretty good running commentary on what was discussed Friday/Saturday during the crossroads conference at Harvard.
I also met Prof David Charbonneau, one of the leading astronomers in the search for exoplanets. Really nice guy as well. I got some pointers on how I could contribute to the search. Being an amateur astronomer/astrophotographer, I wanted to try to get more involved and help provide observations/data. Of course I suspect I have a bit of a learning curve to climb, but that is half the fun.
They have a month of science in Cambridge/Harvard every year. With events, talks and the like. I suspect they'll try to put together another such event next year. Search for the harvard smithsonian center for astrophysics. A person by the name of Christine Pulliam has a mailing list for sponsored events.. from talks by scientists, to SciFi B-Movie night. Quite funny. Sometimes these talks are webcast, so for certain events you don't have to be local!
Really? You met Freeman Dyson? That's fucking awesome! He's one of my heroes!
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
VERY nice clip. Surprised to see Professor Freeman Dyson there. I just met the man just a days ago. We were both heading to the same place, and accompanied him to a talk near Harvard College. He was among a few other amazing speakers. They discussed the future of mankind, the search for exoplanets, detecting live elsewhere and the like.
btw, not sure if you responded to me or not, but make sure you respond to other people's posts on your profile via "profile reply" at the bottom of their post so that they get it on their profile and get notified rather than having the post end up on your own wall.
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Apocalyptic Superstring Theory? I like it.
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
The universe is only 6000 years old. All the light from so-called galaxies and the rest of the universe was created solely for our amusement and is nothing more than a distraction. It isn't real. It is simply there to keep us busy until the day of rapture, where those who are 'chosen' will the magically transported into an alternate universe where they can live in happy la-la land on solidified cloudtops for the rest of eternity, grow a set of wings, and fly like birds oblivious of all physical laws, aerodynamics, gravity, and be without anuses... as we'll never need to eat or poop material from the physical plane of existence again...
Meanwhile the rest of you non-believers get to be sucked up and eaten by a real black hole along with the rest of the solar system. All black holes ultimately lead to one big highly compressed lake of fire. As fire cannot exist in aqeuous form, it is more like supercompressed plasma... rather than fire and brimstone as most might assume.
>> ^soulmonarch:
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
really.. wtf.
cream. pie. box (reference to vagina). facial. box. xxx porno. oh I get it! x-box!
Remarkably insightful... I should have thought about that. >
LOL. Amazing what illogical conclusions one (myself) can come to with total lack of sleep.
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
really.. wtf.
cream. pie. box (reference to vagina). facial. box. xxx porno. oh I get it! x-box!
Remarkably insightful... I should have thought about that. ><
I think I love you.
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
Jesus dislikes communism. That is why you should vote Republican.
Now.. lets talk about Heaven. Heaven is a Communist enclave for certain. Noone owns property. Everyone is provided for under a universal provider plan for ALL of their needs. Food is free. Shelter is free. Entertainment is free. FOREVER. Now.. if that isn't a Communist paradise. I DONT KNOW WHAT THE F#$K IS.
I know, it may make no sense. That is because I am not a true religious values voter. Thus, I have absolutely no morality and I am ultimately destined for Hell(tm). At this juncture it is pointless for me to refrain from making fun of religion. If I stop now, I am still going to Hell(tm)
If I am to suffer an eternity being tortured by the big cloven hoofed red-guy(tm) with horns and a pitch fork, I might as well go out in an intense blaze fueled by fiery brimstone, dragged tooth an nail by Beelzebub and his Quasit army into the depths of the nine hells. I suspect the Leprechauns living in the upper levels of the underworld just below my tulip patch will laugh... teary eyed... at me, as I swoop past them when the Earth opens to claim it's luscious, juicy prize.
After the first decade, both the tortured soul and the demons must become rather bored. Rather repetitive it must be to torture the same person over and over and over again. After a while it just becomes monotonous and not unlike working for the Department of Public Works. Nowhere as exciting as teaching 'Exorcism 101' at the Vatican, or 'How To Maintain 21 Virgins And Have Sex With Them Too' as taught at so many Madrassa around the Middle East.
I suspect Hell must be quite a heavily populated place. Especially with the Earth's population increasing to FAR beyond what it was 6000 years ago. A full 6.6 billion strong! Though as the entire universe is only 6000 years old, they most certainly must have planned ahead to reserve plenty of real estate. They will be fine I am certain. Considering the Earth's diameter is quite a large 12,756.1 km. As a result, we can further calculate the Earth's Volume, which is 1,097,509,500,000,000,000,000 cubic meters. Taking that into account we have PLENTY of fire and brimstone for ALL! Plenty of room in Hell(tm) I say! At least I won't be in cramped quarters. Plenty of room for a few US military bases, and a Pentecostal Church. Demons just LOVE speaking in tongues. Being forked and all, they are quite adept at the language.
>> ^MarineGunrock:
No, I say it because just about every one of your comments has something to do with insulting Christians - even on videos that have nothing to do with religion.
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
You really are a hateful sumbitch.
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
Voter disenfranchising in the name of JEEEESUS. All for the sake of maintaining 'values voter' superiority. Christian morality at it's finest I say.
I probably should not have singled out values voters as being solely Christian. I apologize as that is wholly not fair in the least. Though those not able to speak to invisible magical friends simply have no values, so apparently they cannot be taken into consideration.
I wouldn't call myself hateful (others may and have the right to do so). Rather, I consider myself to be equally unbound by any form of deistic superstition among the hundreds which currently exist and the greater number which has existed in the past.
To elaborate, for those who have interest:
Each superstition in their own right is -entirely- correct in that they are the 'one' true faith. Everyone is correct, as it makes perfect sense. It is also politically correct to roll over and agree that everyone is equally deluded. Life is simpler that way is it not?
So now... I will now go bathe in the Lake of Fire(tm) for my sins, wherever that may be. I'll be sure to let everyone know if fire can exist in a liquid form... though I highly suspect it will be a lake of superheated plasma, rather than fire. In that case, I suspect the environment in hell is of quite high pressure.
The typical maximum pressure at which the human body can maintain life is measurable scientifically. On the other hand.. the non-corporeal 'spirit' with zero nerve endings, could potentially withstand infinite pressure. But then what would be the point? With no nerves, can one have pain? So what is the purpose of torture then? Maybe the big red horned guys just insult the damned denizens over and over again... and that is how they torture.
These are such insults I suspect I will endure in the various supposed afterlives:
"No your mother is NOT Aphrodite, I said a HERMAPHRODITE you nincompoop!"
"Your hair is as big as Tammy Fae Bakker and your eyelashes help you fly!"
"You smell like an all too lonely Arabian goat herder!"
"Your mother was a priestess of Lesbos!"
"Your real father was Pan, your momma got rammed darn good eh Mr coven hooves?"
I shall update everyone from Hell(tm) when I arrive. I hope they have broadband. Watch, one torture is to only provide a 300 baud inernet connection. Upper case text only. TRS-80 COCO!!
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