griefer_queafer US

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Member Since: January 31, 2009
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Last Power Points used: February 12, 2016
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Comments to griefer_queafer

schmawy says...

I will do that, Griefer. I absolutely loved that piece. It made me feel like a ghost. I can't believe it's from the late eighties.

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Thanks! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!

Even if this vid inspired JUST you. Thats all that matters.

Leighton Pierce was a guest professor in my film program, and I will never forget how inspiring and helpful he was. You can check out the rest of his vids at vimeo.


siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 50 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

Eklek says...

Denis (the actor) is also featured here:

Yes, I 've seen 35 Rhums in the cinema and that indeed brought me to posting some of the earlier Claire her older work the film has a light narrative..with dramatic shots of bodies, touching other bodies or cups with warm drinks or rice cookers. Case studies of life in a flat and metro life.

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
I posted this maybe. maybe i took it off. THis is one of my favorite scenes and one of my favorite movies. Claire Denis is so awesome. HUGE upvote.

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