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Member Since: June 22, 2007
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Comments to draak13

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 7 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

enoch says...

thanks for the props bud.
just so you know i am vehemently anti-religious but i am not against religious people.
which was the point i was trying to make with bid.
that while the institutions dogma and doctrine can be debated and discussed and in some peoples case...reviled.
it is the people of that community that are our neighbors,friends and family and in my opinion can be such a vital component in raising well balanced children into productive adults.

fundamentalism (of any kind) is the enemy but most church goers are not fundamentalists.they are regular people.
so i found bids commentary very much on the arrogant side to so broadly group an entire population of people into his extremely narrow view.
he was presumptuous and with only a rudimentary knowledge of religious history.
i tried to point out that his premise was extremely flawed and that winston would take him to task for his hubris and thats exactly what winston did...and bid totally did not get it because i dont think bid WANTS to get it.

i teach cultural religious history and am well versed in many religions but am not a religious person myself.
my faith has no need of dogma nor doctrine...they are irrelevant.
my faith is also my own and not something i seek to perpetrate on another.
again...irrelevant to do so.
religions on the other hand HAVE to keep themselves relevant and viable in order for continued existence.
and is the main cause of my disdain for such institutions.
in order for them to remain relevant they HAVE to...by design..suppress the very people keeping that institution viable.
THIS is where..i believe..bid was trying to address and i would agree on that point but to so easily and callously dismiss the people who go to church as all being idiots is just myopic and self-defeating.
and shows a total lack of imagination.

ah well.
the thread got derailed and i fear i may have contributed to it.
and nothing got accomplished in the end.
damn internets!
again.thanks for the props bud.
until next time.

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