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Comments to dannym3141

Tymbrwulf says...

Spotify FAQ:

I can’t find a track, album or artist I’m looking for?
In the future we aim to have all the worlds music available, however, we are currently in beta and are updating our catalogue so it’s possible that you won’t be able to find some of your favorite artists or tracks. We are working really hard to grow our catalogue as quickly as possible by constantly adding new content so you can get more and more music. Unfortunately some artists have opted not to be added to Spotify at this time, some frequently requested artists that are not in Spotify include Metallica, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, ACDC and Led Zeppelin, etc.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
In reply to this comment by Tymbrwulf:
but that's not Spotify's fault.

I dunno why we need to search for blame in this case, but if it is anyone's fault then it has to be spotify's fault for not getting the rights Whatever challenges may have gotten in the way, if they want to appeal to me they need my music

Tymbrwulf says...

I was under the impression that your reasoning was this:

any search return that doesn't have the original right at the top is an absolute shambles and an insult

I wanted to point out the fact that the reason that Pink Floyd and all of their songs do not exist on this program is due to the fact that Spotify is a legitimate free streaming music program, and have not obtained the rights to those songs. Blame companies like RIAA, whom are the ones responsible(not the programmers of Spotify)!

I just wanted to tell you that Spotify as a program is great! If it doesn't have your tastes in music I'm sorry, but that's not Spotify's fault.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

lucky760 says...

Never heard of it but you've got my attention. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the info.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Have you played Defence Grid? It's the best tower defence game i've ever played, and i love em. It's TD with all the stops pulled out and polished to the nth degree.

That's the right one, defence grid.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Thanks for submitting this, dft. And thanks ^Zifnab! You did put up quite a fight.

Yes, yes. I know I let the dumb planes get away in this video, but it takes so long to record a full game and get a new high score, so I just stopped with this video. See also my game on Normal mode.

I'd love to see other Sifters submit their DTD videos. Also, I've been heavily playing the new multiplayer DTD since it was released and it'd be great to play with some of you there. It's so much different to play in Arcade mode in real time against other people.

rasch187 says...

At least they're mostly probies and can be instabanned if they get too obnoxious. I won't give you any of that free-speech-is-the-holy-grail bullshit, but users shouldn't get banned because of one stupid comment (as long as it's within certain subjectively set borders of course). Xenophobia isn't a new thing on the sift, it's just that almost all the users who feel the need to base their comments on it get tired of this place pretty quickly or are able to present their fear based views in a semi-cordial way. pprt is a good example of the latter.

edit: having read through his recent comments...maybe he needs to be banned. Time will tell.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Did you read "dranzerk's" comment on this video? What the fuck is with the xenophobia on this site recently? Racism and now anti-transvestitism? How long before people are attacking gays? This is getting rediculous..

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
He's a transvestite and there are a lot of his videos on the sift. So why everone deemed it necessary to start reacting to his appearance right now is a bit puzzling.

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