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Comments to charlatantric

JAPR says...

I don't really have a vast exposure to shoegaze, though I like Asobi Seksu and Ides of Space. Most of the shoegaze I've heard has bored me due to the melodies being almost impossible to hear and the vocals being totally buried. If you drown out everything that makes a song interesting with the chord progression, that's really all you end up with lol. I've never heard of those other groups you mentioned, but I haven't really checked out Europe's music scene. I mainly listen to American and Japanese rock/indies.

Oh, that song you linked was quite good, btw.

In reply to this comment by charlatantric:
Yeah, I don't get all that much out of Loveless either. And yeah, I'd mark Citrus as the best shoegaze album of all time, too. If you're into the poppier side of shoegaze, I hope you're also into bands like The Radio Dept, Mixtapes and Cellmates, etc. Basically everything out of Sweden. I'm gonna guess you haven't heard this song, but it'll crush you (crank it up high):

JAPR says...

Everybody's got their own favorites, I suppose. I love the hook at the end of the verse, the dual vocals in the chorus, and the lyrics a lot. There's a lot of really, really good songs like this one on that album though. They're really at the poppy end of shoegaze, but Citrus has to be my favorite shoegaze album ever. (Yeah I know Loveless is amazing and highly-rated, but it's just not as addictive, imo.)

In reply to this comment by charlatantric:
Really? I've always considered this to be one of the more mediocre songs (save the instrumental hook towards the end). I've been a total fanboy since Asobi Seksu quoted me in their press release for this album

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