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Member Since: December 19, 2006
Last Power Points used: April 14, 2015
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Comments to antonye

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

schmawy says...

Ah, Ducatisti! Haha. I actually worked at a Ducati dealership in the mid nineties. They actually sent me to service school in Fairfield, NJ to learn to work on the 916. They're a little to fast and agile for me, not to mention a little uncompromizing for the touring I like to do. Fabulous bikes though. I work with a guy who has a basement full of them, and is building a 70's one frame up right now from an old 750ss that somebody brutalized into a chopper. He's making a nasty cafe out of it.

Do you race motard? I'll behave myself because apparently you're quite mad! I've never raced, but I'm mot putting it out of my head that I might get out there some day. I'd like to do one of the schools, like penguin I think it's called, and I king Keith Code has a school and there's that California one you always see in the back of the bike mags. That and a couple of track days.

Hey check out this odd dupe situation, the dramatic difference between the dates and votes...

In reply to this comment by antonye:
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hey Antonye, thanks for all your great contributions to the *wheels channel. What are you riding these days. Street or just track?

Thanks for the comment! I love adding some of the great racing I watch onto the Sift as it deserves a much wider audience
As for me, I'm riding both street and track still, but have not raced this year. I have 3 bikes: Ducati Hypermotard 1100S (wheelies), Ducati 748S (fast road), Ducati 600SS with 620ie engine (race). Can you spot the theme?

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

maatc says...

already told lucky about that problem and he said it´s not easy to fix without getting into serious voodoo hacking but he told me a workaround:

Just use: for logging in

In reply to this comment by antonye:
I guess the iPhone gets lumped in with Safari? I have real trouble logging in on mine, as it doesn't allow me to set the focus to the username box on the overlay. Is there a buglist for such Sift related stuff?

poolcleaner says...

You just made me a MotoGP fan.

In reply to this comment by antonye:
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks I was wondering what he meant by a blue flag. So there's a flag to let you know you're better off packing your bags?

Yes, the blue flag is shown to warn riders that the race leaders are about to lap them. You're supposed to be nice and get off the racing line so the leaders can pass unhindered and you then rejoin.

This is why it's otherwise known as the "there's a race going on and you ain't in it" flag

As for comments about why they're not hurting themselves, the type of crash (a "low-side" where the bike falls due to loss of grip) means that the energy is spent by the rider sliding along the tarmac. The idea is that the run-off (usually grass and then "kitty litter" gravel) will dissipate this energy so you are taken away from the track and slowed down without hitting a barrier. That's not to say that injuries don't happen; should you be rolling or catch something and start to tumble, you're likely to break bones as your arms/legs go flailing. This whiplash will dislocate limbs if you're lucky and break them if you're not. Wayne Rainey was paralysed from the chest down in one such incident while racing in 1993.

Modern riding kit helps a lot; leather is still very difficult to beat (some use Kangaroo leather, others use Stingray skin!) and with reinforced areas and protectors (usually for knees, elbows, shoulders, back and chest) it means you can walk away from a 200mph slide.

For sheer bone-breaking madness, you really don't want to "high-side" a bike. This is where the rear of the bike will lose traction and start to slide. This has the dual effect of tilting the bike and moving it off axis of the direction of travel, like a handbrake turn in a car. This also compresses the rear suspension, usually a single shock absorber. The problem comes when, due to the rear wheel slowing down through sideways motion, the rear wheel grips again. At this point the bike will now try to rotate around the horizontal axis (from one side to the other) due to the sudden grip stopping the slide. This gives the rear suspension a chance to uncompress, and has the effect of firing the rider out of the seat. Give it enough speed, slide and compression and you've just invented the Motorcycle Ejector Seat.

For some great crashes in MotoGP, the bike equivalent of Formula 1, have a look here (fast forward to 5m10s)
And yes, if you watched the #1 crash, Jorge Lorenzo really did break *both* his ankles in qualifying, but went on to race and came 4th!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 16 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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