alien_concept GB

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Real Name: Rae
Channel: (oh sh*t, hormones)
Birthdate: February 8th, 1981 (44 years old)

Member Since: February 14, 2008
Last Power Points used: August 18, 2015
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Comments to alien_concept

radx says...

"[A Lord] said he had been left “scarred” after his dinner booking was cancelled suddenly. He complained that his wife was “unable to lunch elsewhere” because she was wearing a tiara." -- Independent

I would like to try to drown them in a bowl of eel pudding, the lot of 'em. Do I have your blessing?

radx says...

I figure IDS ain't happy until people are so hungry they'd eat the ass end of a menstruating skunk.

alien_concept said:

I did indeed. What a fucking joke. And meanwhile people are starving, Iain Duncan Cuntsmith is kicking off at Trussel Food Banks and trying to imply they're only criticising the government to aid their business model. A charity! And now the gagging laws are through, he's going to have a field day, that narcissist shitbat.

radx says...

Did you see the CPS trying to prosecute people for bin dipping under the 1824 Vagrancy Act?

"Public interest", my ass.

You know what, since all they did was drop the charges, all the other poor schmucks will have to face the same bloody risk as these three lads. I have seen rozzers staking out bins over here, no chance in hell they're not doing it over there as well.

I'd like the Guardian, or anyone for that matter, to sink their teeth into this shit and find out who thought it was in the public interest to go after them for skipping. All this pre-Victorian behaviour is a fucking disgrace.

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