Truckchase US

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Birthdate: June 17th, 1977 (47 years old)
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Systems Architect (IT)

Member Since: June 5, 2008
Last Power Points used: October 15, 2015
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Comments to Truckchase

rougy says...

Sounds good, hombre.

I need to watch myself, too. I'm so mad...I'm like an open sore sometimes, and I fly off the handle when little things rub me wrong...sort of like when somebody pats you on the back when ya have a sunburn.

Cheers, Truckchase!

I'll drink a shot of Cuervo in your honor.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I agree with you; I'm sorry I was so abrupt with my comment. I do agree that the content was very important. The comment came from a place of fear honestly. We're fighting cultural battles on so many fronts that I feel overwhelmed. I'll try to put my comments (jokes included) in a little better context in the future with the understanding that relative strangers don't know that I'm not a Beck/Limbaugh follower.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
I didn't specifically call you an asshole, but the humor reminded me of something that real assholes would say like O'Reilly or Beck or Hannity or five dozen other internet pundits who think things are going great in Afghanistan.

Yes, his voice was high and a little embarrassing to me, but his words were spot on. It reminds me of when Howard Dean got squashed because of the pitch of his yell at a rally. There are other examples, too, of how something superficial totally derailed what would otherwise have been a valid progressive opinion or candidate.

Our country puts show over substance, and it's killing us. Millions of people actually think that Sarah Palin is a viable presidential candidate. I find the notion horrifying.

I admit, I go berserk sometimes. I'm in my late forties and I've never seen this country more askew than it is today. Nothing seems to help. It just slowly keeps getting worse and I honest to god fear for our future.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I'm fine with that... humor is all relative after all, but would you mind not calling me an asshole? I assure you the joke wasn't based off the content.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
>> ^Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Not as rough as having to live with the assholes who think that what he said was funny.

Really? A downvote AND that comment? Do you think you're taking yourself any my comment a bit too seriously? Is that the sort of attitude that can help this country and our current state of affairs? You won't win any converts by being mean to people trying to lighten the mood, and I suspect I'm already on "your side". Chill out doctor.
edit: reworded "being a prick"; language too strong. Srry; I was just very disappointed to see that comment...

I didn't downvote you, but no, I didn't think your comment was funny.

Sorry, maybe next time.

Was flipping through the channels last night and saw that asshole Bill O'Reilly lying to the nation again in regards to this video.

It's just not a joking matter with me.

rougy says...

I didn't specifically call you an asshole, but the humor reminded me of something that real assholes would say like O'Reilly or Beck or Hannity or five dozen other internet pundits who think things are going great in Afghanistan.

Yes, his voice was high and a little embarrassing to me, but his words were spot on. It reminds me of when Howard Dean got squashed because of the pitch of his yell at a rally. There are other examples, too, of how something superficial totally derailed what would otherwise have been a valid progressive opinion or candidate.

Our country puts show over substance, and it's killing us. Millions of people actually think that Sarah Palin is a viable presidential candidate. I find the notion horrifying.

I admit, I go berserk sometimes. I'm in my late forties and I've never seen this country more askew than it is today. Nothing seems to help. It just slowly keeps getting worse and I honest to god fear for our future.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I'm fine with that... humor is all relative after all, but would you mind not calling me an asshole? I assure you the joke wasn't based off the content.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
>> ^Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Not as rough as having to live with the assholes who think that what he said was funny.

Really? A downvote AND that comment? Do you think you're taking yourself any my comment a bit too seriously? Is that the sort of attitude that can help this country and our current state of affairs? You won't win any converts by being mean to people trying to lighten the mood, and I suspect I'm already on "your side". Chill out doctor.
edit: reworded "being a prick"; language too strong. Srry; I was just very disappointed to see that comment...

I didn't downvote you, but no, I didn't think your comment was funny.

Sorry, maybe next time.

Was flipping through the channels last night and saw that asshole Bill O'Reilly lying to the nation again in regards to this video.

It's just not a joking matter with me.

ant says...

Oy. Calculator mode and hit the edit button.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
>> ^ant:
Ha, my churches didn't take mine away! What were you doing withyours to get taken away?

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by ant:
I still wear one. [casio calculator watch] Even Dwight, from Office, wears it!
Nice. I had mine taken away when I was a kid for using it in church. Maybe that's why churches scare the hell out of me now....

When I was using it either my watch didn't have a mute button, or I didn't use it. I can't remember which.

Truckchase says...

>> ^ant:
Ha, my churches didn't take mine away! What were you doing withyours to get taken away?

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by ant:
I still wear one. [casio calculator watch] Even Dwight, from Office, wears it!
Nice. I had mine taken away when I was a kid for using it in church. Maybe that's why churches scare the hell out of me now....

When I was using it either my watch didn't have a mute button, or I didn't use it. I can't remember which.

ant says...

I still wear one. Even Dwight, from Office, wears it!

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Lies! A conservative would never post this:
>> ^ant:
Meh, don't need Rolex. Casio calculator watches FTW.

But to continue my bit must very old virgin to remember the Casio calc watch. I'll pray for you.
>> ^ant:
No Jigga is wrong. What I said was true.
In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Hah! I've been bamboozled!
In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Ant isn't a supporter of the conservative agenda FYI, he's being sarcastic. :-P
In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
>> ^ant:
No can do. God says no sex before marriage.

I said my peace, it's your decision. I think it's one you'll regret, but it won't impact me one way or the other. My last "jab" is to ask you rhetorically if it is a good strategy to maintain the same belief system throughout all your life, regardless of your maturity or relative wisdom. Go forth and do whatever!

ant says...

No Jigga is wrong. What I said was true.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Hah! I've been bamboozled!

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Ant isn't a supporter of the conservative agenda FYI, he's being sarcastic. :-P

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
>> ^ant:

No can do. God says no sex before marriage.

I said my peace, it's your decision. I think it's one you'll regret, but it won't impact me one way or the other. My last "jab" is to ask you rhetorically if it is a good strategy to maintain the same belief system throughout all your life, regardless of your maturity or relative wisdom. Go forth and do whatever!

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