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Member Since: September 22, 2006
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Comments to OwenHiggins

wildmanBill says...

Now I get it, you're just frustrated. Sifting angry, is no way to Sift at all.

In reply to your comment:
I've finally figured out what you've got to be to get a video voted for in here. You've either got to be a lick arse, a southpark fan, or into the depesche mode.

wildmanBill says...

I just looked at your published posts, you got good taste dude. Why so angry? Has this been building over time or is this a sudden revelation you've just had?

I'm just curious.

In reply to your comment:
No problem - I mean, why did they open up membership if its not really about content.. its about being a 14 year old.. I've wondered for a while why there's videos up here by new memebers.. they never get voted on.
The reason they opened up the memebership was because they kept submitting the same old shite and needed some new blood.

But its just like desling with a bunch of college 18 year olds in the "IT" crowd. maybe not all of the members but the majority.

Its like, oh, we don't like you.. such childish shit.

I'm just going to go to town with this.. they shouldn't have new members.. whats the point.

Just cause I don't lick ass..

poor sad basterds that need their ego's stroked.. poor little kids that can't take a bit of banter without getting hurt.

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