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Member Since: December 14, 2006
Last Power Points used: August 11, 2011
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Comments to NordlichReiter

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
I think that a free market entails a Natural Selection of sorts. An Evolution of good business.

Not some market where the FED, and Taxation makes the incentives.

Let the big companies die. If the Unions kill the companies, let them die. They have to help themselves before any impotent government could even fathom helping them.

With unions to much of a good thing can be a bad thing. To much of the other can smother good business.

Its simple, good market is good competitiveness, not sneaky tactics. Its all about incentives. Every where I look I see bad incentives. A bonus for making that arrest, a bonus for hiring your best friend, a bonus for being a big name on wall street, a bonus for having kids, a bonus for getting married, a bonus for having a house and there are bonuses for just about every thing! Enough bonuses! That's a quick fix to make the common man feel better about an entropic system.

Start with the FED, then with move to Tax Reform. Then move on and cut the fat away from the Meet.

right on man.

schmawy says...

I had one for a little while, but someone "borrowed" it. People remarked that I had a "feel" for it. Don't play much electric anymore anyway. Now and again.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^schmawy:
I'm glad showed a little bit of that guitarist, because I've always loved that little solo.

Do you have a Wah pedal? Doesn't need to be a crybaby, but that's what I use. So of course I'm gonna promote Hendrix Crybabies.

blankfist says...

Thanks for the promote!

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:

The culture of police support has been known since the first sheriff's were sworn in.

They are not held to the same standard as all other citizens. They should be. Because they are lawmen, they should suffer the full extent of the law.

Had they sent a cruiser over to the girls house it would have been a different story.

Instead they went all wacko on them. This happened in Texas, they are lucky the father, or mother didn't come out with a Semi Auto and wipe every one in the van out. I do not mean that as a joke, although it does sound like a joke.

blankfist says...

She's an absolute nut. Internment camps cannot be justified under any circumstance, IMO. Interesting article.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
There it is twice, just in case.Wont be the first time paste hasn't worked for me.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Where's the link?

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
Here is a article on, Michelle Malkin's book that has a spot in it about justifying interment camps for immigrants and the like.

Thought it was relevant to your interests.

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