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Channel: What's Fit to Sift
Birthdate: September 23rd
A little about me...
They tell me that the Media is Liberal even when they speak the truth. They tell me that the Media is against them. They tell me that they are their own ballanced and neutral arbiter.

They tell even the Media to shut up or we will cut you off. Sure, this did work in prior elections, but it will not work this time becuase they can tell the Netroots to shut up, but we will not stand by silently. Not. This. Time.

We, the Netroots, do not have to wait for the Media to cover the story. We will cover it.

We do not have to have the "facts" spoon feed to us. We will find the facts ourselves.

We do not have to wait for permission. We will grant it to ourselves.

So go ahead. Call me a sexist when I actually supported womens rights. I know where I stand.

Go ahead. Call me racist when I am the Black man that has been struggling for this moment. I know what has really happened.

Go ahead. Call me "Liberal" when I am actually firmly in the masses. I know what a mess the "conservatives" have made.

Go ahead. Keep telling me that I am losing when I am in the lead. I know that we will win because it is our time.

You, who love war, who love money, who love power -- your time is up. You had your chance, but no more, not this time, because it is our time. It is time for all of the people -- all of the people of the United States of America.

(written by dkawaii at DailyKos)

Member Since: August 5, 2006
Favorite Sift: A.I. Speculates on the End of Oligarchy
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Comments to NetRunner

LukinStone says...

Well said, sir.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
I'd say that rape and abortion are important topics in their own right, but there's certainly some truth to what you're saying.

The thing is, as a general rule, I get trolled by Paul supporters, not vice versa. I've been posting here for over 5 years now, and almost all of it has been political videos. I'm an unapologetic liberal. I campaigned for Obama in 2008, both online and offline, and will be doing so again this year.

Can you imagine how many people have come at me with the "Paul is the only choice" crap over the years? I think if I asked siftbot to count, his head would explode.

I'm glad you're starting to reconsider supporting him. I'm sorry if it took the connection with white supremacists thing to do it. I'd have rather just pointed out that his policies are bad, or that he can't deliver what he's promising, but most Paul supporters don't seem to even hear conventional arguments like that anymore.

Lately it seems I'm being trolled by Paul supporters who get hostile with me just because I refuse to accept that Ron Paul is our lord and savior as an article of faith. I've seen Paul and his followers go from being generally respectful towards liberals, to saying we're evil monsters, and repeating all the bullshit lies coming out of the general Republican wurlitzer.

I figure if Paulites are going to tell the worst lies they can about me, the least I can do is tell them the ugly truth about what it is they believe in.

I always try to steer the comment threads on the videos towards fruitful conversations, and away from some tit for tat trading of insults. These are inflammatory accusations, but they also happen to be true ones, and ones worth discussing in detail. Turns out, all this stuff is utterly consistent with Paul's core philosophy, which is really the issue I want to raise with people. It isn't that Paul is a flawed vessel for his philosophy, it's that the philosophy itself is poison.

In reply to this comment by artician:
At some point you must know you're just trolling to generate hate for a guy you don't believe in. I don't necessarily believe in him as much as I used to either, but this is silly, and is the exact same childish game that has brought political discourse to the level of the grade-school special-needs-mentality that's pandered around by the mainstream media.

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