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Member Since: June 11, 2009
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Comments to NaMeCaF

gwiz665 says...

For some reason, it won't show the + signs when you first hit submit. You have to reload the page to see them.
In reply to this comment by NaMeCaF:
Deja Vu (plus) Quantum Leap (plus) Groundhog Day = Source Code*

But seriously, I don't get the title of the movie? It has what to do with "source code"? I know that's what they're calling the machine that does whatever it does that, but why?

And is he actually going back in time? Or is it just like a "Matrix" simulation he's popping into?

* = for some reason it wont let me do a "plus sign"

AdrianBlack says...

King in interviews and in the book itself said the story was inspired by Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan stating: "Not Lovecraft; it’s a riff on Arthur Machen’s “The Great God Pan,” which is one of the best horror stories ever written. Maybe the best in the English language. Mine isn’t anywhere near that good, but I loved the chance to put neurotic behavior—obsessive/compulsive disorder—together with the idea of a monster-filled macroverse." So, if anything, "Patterns" ripped off Machen.

In reply to this comment by NaMeCaF:
Wow, I really thought Stephen King was original, but this is a blatant rip off of an episode of Night Visions from 2002 called "Patterns".

I wish I could downvote.

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 1 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

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