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Real Name: Edna Mode

Member Since: March 17, 2009
Last Power Points used: May 25, 2009
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Comments to MikesHL13

ant says...

Interesting. I don't have cable/satellite so I wouldn't know. In fact, I don't think I ever watched TBS shows before.

In reply to this comment by MikesHL13:
Yes, unless it airs more than once. I rarely watch TV, but I've caught segments a little after 8. Doesn't surprise me though; I think the TBS programming works like that in general (based on EST). What the east coast watches at 11, we watch at 8.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Really? I thought TBS airs it at 11:00 PM on pacific time zone.

In reply to this comment by MikesHL13:
Funny. I had debated the "latenight", but here on Pacific Coast (PT) Conan is on about 8pm, so I wasn't sure if that qualified.

In reply to this comment by ant:

NBC wouldn't show this.

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